ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴅᴏ ʟɪᴇ | 22

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You meant no promises when you said, "no promises." You fully ditched the campaign that day without informing Eddie or the others. You decided to celebrate Xander and Lillith's four-month anniversary because they wanted to go to the party that Xander had asked you to attend. Eddie teased you the night before, so you made the decision to entirely forget about him tonight and spend time with your best buddy. But that night, you told him, "No promises." You said that you'd be there as a joke.

The fact that Robin and Steve chose to attend was the best aspect of the entire thing. Since the breakup with Nancy, Steve hadn't attended a party. Who knows if Robin has ever attended a party? This was your night, and you knew that if Eddie found out that you chose to party rather than play Dungeons and Dragons, something ugly would happen.

At the party....

You were dancing with Robin, Steve, Xander and Lillith as the music was blasting and you were completely inebriated. You were speaking in a slur since you were so drunk, and the majority of what you said didn't even form a proper sentence. You wouldn't ordinarily party, but dancing with your friends when intoxicated was a lot of fun for you. Lillith couldn't help but giggle at Xander as he nearly busted his ass on the ground. You guys all started laughing at Xander's attempt to stand back up to the point that you nearly choked on your drinks. Steve tripped on the sofa leg and fell back into Robin, making you cry out from laughter.

You spoke slurredly, "You're fucking stupid."

Steve gave you a forehead slap while cackling at your muddled sentence. You slapped his shoulder and frowned as you crashed into Xander. Everyone smelled like alcohol, pot, or possibly both, at this party because it was so crowded, the scent was so strong. You both fell down and collided against Robin when Xander's head slammed into yours. You both started to laugh out loud at the same time as Xander. You started dancing with Robin and let your thoughts wander when thirty minutes hit, when you suddenly caught his eyes.

??? POV, 30 minutes ago ...

I entered the party, looked around, and immediately was ready to leave. I always hated parties and still do. Don't why people even waste their time partying and what not, when they could be playing a perfect fantasy game with their best friend. When I couldn't find her despite searching everywhere, I made the decision to give up. I stayed on the sofa for a little after that and discovered her dancing with her friends. She was unaware that I was watching her dance, her clothing fit her figure well and complemented the way her body moved.

Due to Dustin's tight relationship with Steve and the fact that I initially learned about her disappearance from the campaign when she lied to me about attending, she knew I would find out. Even though the party was boring, I was still upset with her, but watching her dance while intoxicated was amusing. It had even gotten to the point where she started dancing sensually, which I thought was intriguing of her and yet, still managed to turn me on while pissed off.

I enjoyed watching her turn into a complete mess when she was with her friends. Her eyes locked with mine after thirty minutes hit. With a broad smile, my lips curved. Like a deer in headlights, she stood still as she realized she had been caught.

Present, your POV...

You aggressively tapped Robin's shoulder as she freely danced to the beat as you locked eyes with Eddie. As he saw you panic in front of him, your eyes never left his. You leaned into Robins ear and gave him a dead stare.

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