ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs | 28

423 9 6

· Explicit Content, 18+

It has been a while ever since the fight went down at Hawkins. Eddie may of been fine, but your dearest friend, Max, was not. Vecna's curse put her in a hosptial bed, blind with every bone broke in her body. School hasn't been the same, but at least you are very close to graduation. Speaking of that, your graduation got scheduled early; therefore, your final exams were put into play this week. You've been terribly busy for the past few weeks, and Eleven got back into town. Yours and Eddie's relationship has been considered rocky throughout your finals week, and it is only Wednesday. Not exactly Monday but also not near Friday either. You could tell something was bugging him, something that was making him angry as the days proceeded on. As Tuesday hit, you've attempted to show your affection towards your boyfriend, but he started to reject it.


"Are you going to eat your food?", Steve asked you when you started to star blankly at the lunch table.

His words caused you to look up at his appearence as you presented a fake smile on your face, "ah, no sorry, you can have it", you replied back.

Steve stared at you blankly due to the fact that he could tell something was bothering you. "y/n, may I ask you a very simply question?"

You nodded at his request, simply because you we interested in what he had to say. "Why aren't you sitting with Munson?", he asked you.

You looked over at your boyfriends table as you caught Eddie's eyes; which was filled with dominance and jealousy. As you looked away from his intimidating eyes you let out a soft sigh.

"You didn't break up did you?", Steve followed up with another question. "No, no, we didn't. It's just, complicated, you know?", you said softly.

Steve gave you a perplexed expression as he looked at you and over towards Eddie. "I can feel his eyes burning on me just as much as he is looking at you too, either something is up with him mentally or it's you or me".

You gave Steve a look of annoyance, "wow, very comforting, Steve." He gave you a silly arrogant smile, "y/n, fix it because I'm not doing shit."

You threw a chicken nugget at his figure, "I've already tried that", you said pissed off. "Okay, first off, watch the hair, and second of all, you clearly aren't trying hard enough".

"Dude, you suck at advice", you told him as Robin approached the table and asked you why you weren't sitting with Eddie. Then Steve gave you another arrogant smile.

"Exactly what I asked, but she said it's "complicated", Steve stated as he mocked you with air-quotes. Robin smiled at you and said "then make it not complicated, duh".

You turned to Robin with an annoyed expression, if it was that easy, you've would of done it already. Steve knew by your facial expression that you wanted to change the subject, "sooo, are you helping me study tonight"?

"No, I'm talking to Eddie", you told him.

"Isn't he busy with his you know, his nerdy club thing?" Steve asked. "First off, it's Dungeons and Dragons and I know he has no campaigns this week, he told me last week" you said.

You wanted to know if he was free completely today, so you could have a chance to speak to him about the situations of your guys relationship. You got up from your lunch table and walked over to Eddie, not avoiding eye contact with everyone else in the lunch room, which made it ten times more awkward.

"Are you free tonight?", you asked your handsome boyfriend. Eddie put down his piece of of food on his lunch tray and looked up at you and made a frusterating sound. "No, y/n, I'm not...but aren't you? Don't you have um, that one studying session with your "friend" Harrington?", Eddie asked you as he air-quoted the term friend in a jealous manner.

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