ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴇ | 10

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Warning: Explicit Content! Reading further is your choice! ;)


You looked outside the shack to see if Eddie was still there while you recollected yourself. You exhaled a sigh of relief even though you were about to hurt Steve for what he did. When you entered the Family Video building and looked at the clock, you discovered that your shift had already ended. You blinked quickly as you realized how quickly the time was passing and realized you didn't know when to meet Eddie at his stupid trailer. You live directly across from him, so you couldn't just ditch him. He could simply knock on your door and confront you. You had a fierce hatred for Eddie, most likely because you were secretly envious of him and because everyone hated him too.

You had no idea why he made you feel so nervous...

Although you wanted to win, you were quite upset that the small game you two were playing would never cease. Despite not understanding it, you were determined. You grabbed your bookbag that you use to transport your belongings when you took your eyes off the clock and slung it over your shoulder. Finally, you reached your car. As soon as you unlocked your car door, you jumped inside, slammed your head against the steering wheel, and tried to make understanding of what the heck had just occurred in that shack. He seemed to be seducing you. Given that it was already extremely late, you made the decision to drive as Steve had suddenly left you and you intended to yell to him later.


You got settled into your trailer before heading to Munsons house. You wanted to shower, as you were at work all day and because you were sweating like crazy when Eddie was so close to you. After your shower, you saw a figure in the corner of your eye. You looked over to see if the figure was still there, and then you suddenly meet your gaze at Eddie Munson in his bedroom window. You completely forgot you could see his bedroom from yours. He was wearing nothing but some pants on, perhaps he was looking for a shirt. You started admiring him, and his tattoos until he turned his head and noticed you were gawking at him.

You gasped in sudden shock and got down to the floor so you would no longer be seen through your window. You couldn't see, but Eddie was smirking like crazy. You sat on the floor in complete awe, and you didn't know what to do. You forgot you were in a towel, and you needed to change really quickly. You crawled over to your bed and then to your dresser. You reached your dresser and picked out something random, along with your favorite pants.

You got up after crawling like a child and threw yourself on your bed. You were so tired, but you noticed the time on your alarm clock, and you let out a deep sigh and a groan of frustration.

You got up and stormed over to Eddie's trailer and knocked on his front door quickly. You stood there for a minute or two, because he was slow. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of Eddie, he was still shirtless, but he then put on a hellfire shirt right in front of you.

"Like what you see, y/n?", Eddie asked you with a cocky grin on his face.

You rolled your eyes at him.

"I've seen better...", you replied as you pushed yourself into the trailer by slightly shoving him out of your way. (Lies).

You plopped yourself on his couch from your tiredness. He was now in his kitchen, making something, and you were waiting for him to speak to you or make a stupid remark on your outfit. Eddie came to you with something to drink, although you didn't trust him with any sort of drink, at least not during high school years. However, you still decided to take the drink he offered you and took a sip of it.

It was tea...and it tasted really good.

"So... do you normally stare at people through your bedroom window?", Eddie asks you as he breaks the awkward silence and sat next to you.

ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ! | ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜɴꜱᴏɴOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora