ᴅᴏ ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ' ᴋɴᴏᴡ? | 25

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This chapter is inspired be "Do I Wanna Know," by Arctic Monkeys! You pay play it when you start reading!

You sniffled from being in the water for too long as Eddie dried you off. You felt as though a baseball bat had been thrown at your head from the chilly air. You shivered as the coldness touched your skin because, while you could tolerate being cold occasionally, you couldn't take being cold just after leaving a heated setting. You were a little angry when Eddie removed the towel off of you as he dried off your body, but he quickly tossed the towel on top of your head and silently dried your hair. Eddie made the decision to look after you despite being totally soaked and cold, he just stood there, getting water on the floor. Eddie removed the towel from your head as soon as he determined that your hair was dry enough. The towel was slung around both of your shoulders, so you reached out and grasped the two ends that were free. Eddie stepped over to your clothes, grabbed it up, and then walked back over to you as your lips started to quiver. Then, you cursed silently at him because he had removed the towel.

Eddie ordered you to "be nice," and you softened at the command.

You were wearing your pants when Eddie put his Dio t-shirt back on you. You observed him taking care of himself after that. He took your hand and walked you to the kitchen when he finished getting himself prepped up. As you two made your way to the kitchen, your wet hair ruffled against your neck and bothered you. He then took a cup out of his cabinet and began to fill it with water. When was pouring water into the cup while you stood there and watched, he noticed that you were looking at him, and looked up at you.

He asked, "do your legs hurt?"

You miserably said, "yeah."

Eddie handed you the cup after pouring the water completely and put the water jug down, then he went to his room to get some ibuprofen for you. You observed the sunrise as you stood there and peered out his trailer window. You assumed he would take care of you because you were so exhausted and that he would want you to leave afterwards, though you weren't sure whether he would. Eddie emerged from his room and approached you, holding two pills in his palm and motioning for you to take them. Then, taking it from his hand and popping the rough pills into your mouth without any food in your stomach, you put the cup to your lips, rushed water into your mouth, and swallowed them at six o'clock in the morning. You two had stated you had feelings for one another, but Eddie didn't know if they were sexual or romantic, thus the entire time he was questioning his feelings. He was studying every detail of your face because he loved you for more than just your body. He was unsure if you felt the same way, romantically. Either it was a passing emotion, or it was true on the night you two had talked about it. It was hard for you both to understand that you two loved one another. Eddie jerked out of his own thoughts as you removed the cup from your mouth and refocused.

"Do I wanna' know, if this feelin' flows both ways"

"Thanks, I-I'll go now", you told him.

He paused at your statement, trying to get a sentence out of his mouth. 

"Sad to see you go, was sorta hopin' that you'd stay"

"Wait, y/n", he spoke. 

You turned over to face him as you prepared to walk out the door, which made him a little nervous.

Eddie said to you with a pleasant smile, "you can stay".

You smiled at him, shut the door to his trailer, and then went to his couch and sat down. Eddie stroked the back of his neck as he considered his next words. At the time, you admired Eddie and started to wonder if he had a romantic or purely sexual interest in you. Did he want a relationship with you like that? Was he certain that what he stated represented his true feelings, or was he simply afraid of losing you as a best friend?

"I don't know if you... feel the same as I do"

He smiled at you when he saw you were looking at him once more. Like his words, his smile softened you. You immediately realized that you liked him romantically, but does he too?

"But we could be together... if you wanted to"

Now that everything was coming together for you, it makes sense why you don't feel anything for anyone because Eddie was always there, even when you were at odds. Even after everything you've done to one another, you still loved him, you always had feelings for Eddie Munson.

"Maybe I'm too, (maybe I'm too busy)"

"Busy being yours, (being yours)"

 "To fall for somebody new... now I've thought it through"

"Crawlin' back to you..."

Eddie sat down on the couch next to you as soon as you turned on the TV and broke free of his gaze when your emotions hit you like a ton of bricks. There had been news.

"We've never seen anything like this before, and what you're about to witness will shock you. I can't believe a sick person could do this to someone, but we're still looking for the murderer, and Jason Carver will get justice", the news reporter spoke.

After the newscaster had finished, a clip of Jason's body had already been displayed. The thought that someone was capable of doing something like that made your jaw drop to the floor. Eddie froze in horror and realized right away that he could lose you since there was this "killer" on the loose.

Due to your shared terror, you two sat in silence until Eddie finally spoke.

"I'm sorry...y/n," Eddie whispered. 

You pause at his words and turn to face him with wide-open eyes.

You grew tense and said, "What do you mean... you're sorry."

Eddie told you, "For the middle school fight."

"OH, THANK GOD, DON'T DO THAT AGAIN, YOU MADE IT APPEAR AS IF YOU KILLED JASON," you shouted at him and gave him a slap on the arm.

He said, a little saddened, "you think I'd do something like that?"

"NO! That's why I was STUNNED, you little shit; you nearly caused me a heart attack!"  You shouted and struck his arm repeatedly.

"Ow, Ow!"
, He said. 

You spoke up after regaining control of your anxieties "I said some shit too, Eddie; you're not the only one who needs to apologize. I'm sorry for talking about you, but you know "you stated.

He asked, "parents?" to you.

You increased your voice and said in an awkward tone, "yeahhhhh..." 

"I'm sorry for speaking about your mom...", he apologized, again.

"Why did... you... tell my secret to Xander? I d-don't understand...",
you told him.

"I-", he spoke up. 

Then you instantly heard BANGING on his trailer door.

Author's Note:

I lied, its next chapter, I'm sorry guys... it has to be done, it will be out today, hopefully...sorry.... this is short-
ᴛᴜʀᴛʟᴇ <3

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