ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪᴠᴀʟʀʏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ | 15

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· Triggering topics, viewer discretion advised.

Flashback from Middle school graduation, May 29th.

Young y/n, Hawkins Middle School.


Everyone was hugging their parents on the day of the middle school graduation, and you were waiting for Chrissy to approach you so you could leave while wearing your graduation gown. Your parents never came to pick you up because they didn't care. You just sat on the stands and looked at the ground because you were so exhausted. At the moment, no one was present to congratulate you, so you simply played with your fingers.

Your close friend Xander approaches you and sits down next to you while carrying gorgeous roses. Eddie would have purchased you some flowers if he had known that everyone brought them. Xander smiled broadly with pure joy as you hugged him and took the lovely roses from his hands.

Eddie, a friend from high school, detested Xander because he perceived him as a threat. Eddie was sick and weary of you choosing Xander, even though he loved you to death. Xander recognized that you would always pick Eddie over him, but Eddie didn't appear to be aware of it. Eddie scoffed in disgust of you and Xander while rubbing his buzz-cut head. He observed you two flirting, and he didn't like it.

Eddie waved and grinned as he approached you after standing up from the bleachers.

You said, "Eddie!" out of genuine joy, and you squeezed him as tightly as you could while embracing him with a hug.

Due to exhaustion, you then sat back down and placed your head on Xander's shoulder.
"Y/N, you are such a brave girl! In high school, anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend or maybe as a girlfriend." Xander stated.

You punched his arm while giggling.

Eddie disapproved of what had just taken place in front of him.

In his harsh tone, Eddie stated, "You know, she is terrified of Freddy Krueger, not exactly the best girlfriend type," because he was upset with you and Xander.

Since Eddie was the one person you could trust and because that topic was humiliating for you, you gazed at him with deep sadness. You were furious that he used it against you, though. When you heard him explain that you weren't the "girlfriend" kind, you also felt as though your heart had been broken into a million pieces. He completely friend zoned you in Xander's presence, and Xander was aware of your feelings for Eddie.

You asked, "What the fuck, Eddie?" with a frog in your throat.

You decide to fight for yourself and spit out something incredibly unpleasant while trying to contain your emotions.

You shouted at him, "That's why you can't pull a girlfriend in the first place!"

"I can pull one faster than you!", Eddie admitted.

"You could if you weren't known as the high school's freak, at least I have a good reputation", you spit back.

Before you knew it, you felt a group of students gather around you and watch the argument dissipate. Confused, you looked all around and then turned to face Eddie.

"Oh, please y/n! You are literally the definition of the hermit crab, you act so fucking shy but in reality, you're a fucking bitch", Eddie yelled.

"Oh, please! I'm not the one trying to get with Steve Harrington! You have no clue what reality feels like, grow up!", you stated.

"I"M NOT EVEN GAY, I'M NOT EVEN GAY", Eddie complained.

You ignored his remark and spoke once again,

"You're a stupid boy who lives in a broken-up trailer and literally can't gain any friends for the life of you", you stated.

All of the middle schoolers were making "ooo" noises at you and Eddie's remarks.

"Ya 'know y/n, if you weren't so fucking mean all the time, maybe your mom wouldn't be so abusive...", Eddie said.

As soon as you heard what he had to say, you stood there frozen and broke down in tears. No one, not even Xander, knew that except for Eddie. You furiously whipped your face in anger.

"At least I have one," you said, sounding a little choked.

Eddie could tell how hurt you were by your words, and he started to feel the same way about yours. Due to your horrible insults, he hesitated a little and started to spit back at you.

Eddie said without hesitation from your perspective, "I would rather not have a mom than have mom who beats me all the time, at least my parents loved me, y/n."

You shook your head in utter distaste and grew irate and outraged. You made a fist out of your hand and concluded the argument with these words.

You shouted, "How can they love you if they're dead! HM?!"


The students and parents all started to scratch their necks and gaze at one another as the room went silent. Eddie's expression changed from shock into sadness the moment you stated that. He was aware of the damage his statements caused, and he understood how you felt after saying your last words of the argument. He had never seen you cry before nor shout angrily, you were too nice, and when he did, some tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Never, ever, fucking talk to me again", you gave a warning with a soft tone in your voice and pushed your way through the mob as Xander followed you.

Eddie never heard you curse at him either, he looked at you, choked up from your final last words you'd ever say to him since high school.

Something broke you that day, that argument had changed you completely. It ruined you and it had ruined Eddie. He let everyone know your trauma and you let everyone know his, and that was something you knew you couldn't fix. Your heart broke that night, and you couldn't sleep; all you did was cry...and so did he.

When you started high school, Eddie become mean and spiteful, and so did you. That night utterly destroyed your guys' friendship. Now, the rivalry had begun...you two hated one another...



Who do you think is in the wrong? :)

Also, I updated so much today, yw.

ᴛᴜʀᴛʟᴇ <3

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