ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ | 27

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You were sitting in a van, gripping onto your weapon as you looked around to spot everyone instantly regretting their life choices.  You looked over to your newest boyfriend who was once your enemy, Eddie Munson. He was gripping on his spear as he glanced over at Dustin, who had an overly-worried look plastered on his face. All of you were about to fight this thing that knew it could kill you within a single heartbeat. You weren't mentally prepared, and I'm pretty sure no one in that van was. Nancy described the plan, but you didn't want to do this to begin with. The only good thing about this whole situation is being with Eddie. You knew that if you died, you'd want it to be next to him anyway, regardless of the situation. Your feelings grew stronger for Eddie, ever since the beginning of the school year, and now we only had one month left of it.

You had a bad feeling that this won't work out. Possibly that something bad was going to happen today, but you couldn't put your tongue on it. Your thoughts caused you to look up through your eyelashes as you glanced at Eddie's chocolate button eyes.

"Eddie... I love you", you told him.

He gave you a warm smile.

A smile that you could never forget, but felt like you were going to be missing it very soon.

"I love you too", Eddie told you.

All of them started to get out of the van and made their way towards the upside down gate. As steve was about to head out, he turned around to look at you two.

"Alright, enough of your sappy shit, we have some sit to do", he told us.


When we got into the upside down, Steve told us not to be heroes, classic Steve. We all then went with the plan, but that is when everything went south.

"Oh god Eddie", you said out of saddness, holding Eddie in your arms as you had bat bites all over you.

Dustin was crying, sad even.

Dustin and Eddie had a sappy moment as I looked at my boyfriend frozen, worried.

"I'm not going anywhere... y/n....", he told you.

You looked up at him, realizing he was okay. Dustin was on his knees praying that Eddie didn't die during the fight, all of you guys fought Vecna. You didn't lose Eddie like you thought you would, he was safe and he was yours.


Authors Note;

Sorry this is short, I want vecna out the way so i make cute scenerios for the relationship etc, this book is not ending and hes not dead. No detail bc ive been busy, sorry!

ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ! | ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜɴꜱᴏɴTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang