𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦, 𝐸𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑒'𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.

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It was because of you.

"Steve?" Eddie spoke confused as he let go of the the others chin. "What do you mean by that?" He placed his head in his palm.

Shit. Steve thought. There's no way out of this for him.

"When you touched my knee. I didn't expect you to do that so I just froze." It was the truth to Steve, or what he thought was the truth.

Eddie just stared at him, examining his face. "Are you sure that's all? I won't judge you or anything if it was something else." He sat on the lid of the toilet, looking down at Steve.

"Yes, that's all that happened." Steve rested his elbow onto his knee, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for looking like a loser."

"Hey, don't say that. I'm supposed to be the loser. You're the cool party dude that gets all the chicks in town. Don't beat yourself up over something stupid." Eddie placed the rag in the sink as he ruffled the others hair.

"How many times have I said not to mess up my hair, Munson?" Steve spoke with a chuckle.

"Too many times, Harrington." Eddie got up going to walk out the bathroom but turned at the door frame. "Also since you're still high, I don't think you'll be able to drive home."

Steve looked over at the other, fixing his hair. "Does that mean I have to stay over?" That's honestly the last thing he wanted to do.

Eddie just shook his head with his lips pressed together. "I can clear the couch for you. It's really comfortable, I promise." He finally walked out the bathroom, leaving Steve alone.

He took a deep breath while putting his head in his hands. Through his fingers he saw the water bottle on the ground. He decided to pick it up and drink it. The coolness of the water calmed him down a lot.

After sitting on the bathroom floor for a bit, he finally decided to get up. He walked into the living room where Eddie was still fixing the couch.

Steve just stood there, admiring the back of Eddie.

He admired the way his shirt was lifting and revealing his lower back. The way his hair stopped at his shoulders. The way his rings sat perfectly on his fingers. The way his shirt shaped out his bicep muscles. And the wa-

Wait. What am I thinking? Eddie's a guy. I'm a guy. A straight guy. I'm not gay. I'm not homophobic either, Robin's lesbian and she's my best friend.

"Are you just gonna keep staring or are you gonna lay down?" Eddie chuckled while turning back to face Steve. He walked over to him so they were right in front of each other. "I'm gonna put the pizza in the fridge so if you wake up hungry, it's there. Goodnight, sweetheart. Don't miss me too much." He messed up Steve's hair, walking passed him into his room. He lightly closed the door, leaving Steve in the living room kitchen thing by himself.

"Sweetheart?" He was left to question. Making his way to the couch, Eddie's words kept replaying in his head.

"Goodnight, sweetheart. Don't miss me too much." Steve felt like a mad man. He's never felt so flustered in his life. His face was a deep red and burning hot. His eyes kept trailing over to Eddie's bedroom door. He didn't know why he was feeling like this. He didn't know what this feeling even was.

He just laid down, staring up at the ceiling. He could hear a faint guitar from the other side of the trailer. He didn't question it because he knew it was just Eddie.

Hours have passed now and he still hasn't been able to sleep. The sun started to shine through the trailers windows as Steve just laid there.

He was frightened by Eddie's bedroom door swinging open, he almost fell off the couch from it.

"I didn't expect you to be awake this early, Harrington." Munson teased as he opened the fridge. He grabbed a piece of pizza and turned back to face Steve.

"Yeah because I didn't sleep." He sat up stretching. He hadn't realized Eddie was shirtless staring at him.

"Awe, is someone homesick? Poor baby, Eddie's got you." The dark eyed boy inched over to Steve, messing his hair again. He slapped his hand away while rolling his eyes.

"I have to get to work, can I use your phone to call Robin?" Steve finally stood up and cracked his back. Eddie just answered with a nod, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey, I forgot to ask, where's you're uncle?" He picked up the phone, dialing Robin's number.

"Probably arrested or out somewhere doing drugs. Now you see where my behavior is from." Eddie had that smug smirk on his face like he always does.

Steve shook his head while putting the phone to his ear. It rung...and rung. Till finally-

"Hello, Robin speaking! I can't talk for long since I have to be to work soon so make it fa-" Steve quickly cut his friend off.

"Yes! Robin, oh my god. I'm gonna be a little late to pick you up. I didn't sleep at all last night." He spoke really fast with relief.

"How about you just take the day off, you sound exhausted." Robin chuckled on the other line.

"No, no, I'll be okay. I'll come pick you up so we can go to work. I can manage." Truth is, if he didn't go to work he'd be stuck with Munson all day. As close as they are, right now he doesn't want to be around him until he figures out what the hell is wrong with him.

"Fine whatever. I'm giving you twenty minutes." And with that, the call ended. Steve put the phone back onto the wall, turning to face Eddie.

"I have to go to work. I don't want Robin and I to be late." He grabbed his shoes, slipping them on.

"She said you have twenty minutes, he house isn't that far. Stay just a little longer." Munson lightly held onto Steve's arm before he could open the door.

The other tensed up at the sudden touch while making eye contact with each other.

"Eddie, I can't. I have to go home and change." Steve lowered his hand from the door knob.

"You can use my clothes, just stay a little longer, sweetheart, I won't bite." Eddie let go of Harrington's arm with a wink.

"Keep it in your pants, Munson. But fine, just don't give me jeans that look like my knees busted open." He smiled as Eddie's face light up. It wasn't his usually smug smirk, it was his genuine smile.

"Come on, Harrington. I got a perfect outfit for you." Eddie grabbed Steve's shoulders, dragging him into the bedroom.

He let go and started to rummage through his drawers of clothes. As he did, Steve admired his shirtless silhouette. There was freckles spotted all over his back, like kisses. A scar along his side. Not a big one, but not small either.

Steve hadn't realized Eddie stood up facing him with the clothes in hand. He was still staring all over the others body.

"You look breathtaking."


Hi! Sorry for the long wait. Yknow I've been doing summer things so I haven't really had time. I hope you're enjoying so far! Make sure to take a break from your phone, okay? Ily<3

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