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A/N: A little filler chapter into Eddie's early teens bc this photo inspired me to. Underage drinking!

Eddie ran into the house and threw his bag onto the floor. His dad was out probably getting high somewhere since the car wasn't in the driveway.

"Apollo!" He shouted through the house for his puppy. He was soon greeted with a very excited pit bull. "Hi, baby!" He sat on the floor while giggling as the dog licked his face.

Eddie finally stood up, going to fill his food and water bowls back up. Eddie sat next to Apollo as he ate.

Eddie just finally started to grow out his hair from his buzzcut. It looked decent. Though his dad would call him a fag for growing it out.

Once Apollo was done, he nudged Eddie's side and whined. Eddie got up, making Apollo follow him. They went into Eddie's room and he grabbed his guitar off the wall. He sat down on the bed as Apollo followed.

"Yknow, you're pretty much the only friend I have, Apollo?" Eddie tilted his head as he lightly strummed a relaxing tune. Apollo also tilted his head. "Other than Gareth, of course. You remember Gareth, right?" Apollo barked in response and Eddie smiled, looking back down at his guitar.

"Of course you remember Gareth." Eddie whispered and planted a soft kiss on top of Apollos head.

He continued to stum the relaxing song as Apollo slowly fell asleep. Eddie smiled down at his puppy and got up to put his guitar away.

A light knock was on the front door, which woke Apollo. Eddie and Apollo went to the door facing Gareth.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." Gareth stuck his hands in his jacket pockets and he bounced on his heels.

"Sure, let me put my shoes back on." Eddie smiled as he slipped on a random pair of his sneakers. Apollo followed Gareth and Eddie out the door.

"How have you been since your mom?" Gareth asked as he sipped from the beer bottle he had stolen from his dad. His dad was always too drunk to notice.

"Not so good." Eddie sighed as he pet Apollos head that rested on his lap. They were sitting in the back of an abandoned van in an open field that was far away from houses.

Eddie looked over at Gareth, who was zoned out on the trees ahead of them. Eddie grabbed a bottle from the case and opened one. He sipped from it and scrunched his face at the taste.

"How can you drink this stuff, man?" Eddie coughed a bit as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Gareth laughed at his friend.

"I don't know, at first it was horrible but after a while you get use to it." Gareth drank the last bit of his and chucked the bottle far into the field.

Eddie shrugged and just continued to slowly drink it. Apollo whined as he nudged into Eddie.

"What's wrong, boy?" Eddie cupped Apollos face with a smile. Apollo got up and jumped out the back of the car. He sniffed around and peed on the wheel.

"That's what was wrong." Gareth chuckled as he opened another beer. Eddie lightly tapped 'Tainted Love' on the car.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's more fun outside of Hawkins. Like if we didn't live here, would our parents be better at being parents?" Gareth lightly sighed and looked over at Eddie. Eddie shrugged as he helped Apollo back into the car.

"I wonder if this car still works." Eddie got out the car, walking to the drivers side. The door was unlocked so he just got inside. He searched around for keys and eventually found a pair.

"Why would it he abandoned if it still worked?" Gareth came around to Eddie with Apollo right by his side.

Eddie shrugged and tried starting the beat up white van. It sputtered a little but eventually started. He excitedly looked over at Gareth as he turned the car off.

"Looks like I have a new car." Eddie leaned back in disbelief. Apollo barked as he spun in a circle making both Gareth and Eddie laugh a bit.

"Alright, let's get back home before it's dark out." Gareth lightly punched Eddie's shoulder as he got out the van. He took the keys with him as the three all walked back home.

"Dude, I found this really good song, come by tomorrow and I'll play it for you. Later, Eds!" Gareth yelled as he ran into his house. He waved by as Eddie waved back with a smile.

"Let's go home, boy." Eddie looked down at Apollo as they made their way back home.


I just thought I'd treat you guys to a little chapter that the picture inspired me to make. I couldn't help myself, im sorry 😭 btw, Eddie's a freshman and Gareth is in 7th grade since I THINK they are 2 years apart. Love ya<3

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