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Tw: Blood

Steve quickly grabbed his keys and threw on a pair of sneakers. He ran out the front door, jumping into the car. As soon as he started it, he raced to the school. The only times he slowed down was when he passed cops or at the stop lights.

As he pulled into the school, he parked next to Eddie's van. He didn't even turn the car off and ran towards the school. There was a shit tone of yelling so he knew something bad happened.

"Steve!" Robin called from behind him. Steve quickly turned and ran over to Robin.

"What the fuck happened?" Steve questioned as he looked back towards the school. Robin grabbed his wrist and pulled him to behind the school. "What's going on?"

"Eddie, that's what's going on!" Robin lead Steve to Eddie sitting against the wall of the back of the school.

"What happened?" Steve quickly made his way in front of Eddie. He cupped Eddie's face as he blank expression.

"I kinda almost sucked Robin's blood. Almost! I didn't though, I stopped myself..." Eddie trailed off as he pulled Steve into a hug. "Please don't be mad at me."

"Before you guys get all lovey and stuff, please explain to me why Eddie went all Count Dracula on me?" Robin raised her arms then dropped them back to her sides.

"I honestly don't have the answer to that. It might be because of those demobats but if it was I'd be like this too." Steve held Eddie onto his chest like a scared child.

"Jesus christ, and you thought it was a good idea to let him go to school?" Robin let out an annoyed laugh as she sat on the bench next to them.

"I didn't think he was going to try and suck someone dry, alright." Steve tried his best not to raise his voice as he looked down at Eddie, who was shaking in Steve's arms. "And no, I'm not mad at you, Eddie. You stopped yourself so I'm very  proud of you."

Eddie's shaking calmed down a little at Steve's words. "Say that again." Eddies voice muffled into Steve's hoodie.

"Say what again?" Steve lightly smiled while running his hands through Eddie's hair.

"That you're proud of me." Eddie pulled his head off of Steve's chest, now looking into each other's eyes.

"I'm very proud of you, Eddie Munson." Steve cupped Eddie's face, lightly shaking his head. Eddie smiled brightly as his eyes teared up.

"Quick question, what's all that yelling about in the school?" Steve turned to face Robin as Eddie pulled Steve back into a hug.

"Some kid messed with Jason. The usual." She shrugged as she looked up at the sky.

Steve then jumped as Eddie bit onto his shoulder. "Eddie!" Steve yelled making Robin jump and Eddie pull away.

"I'm sorry." Eddie whined, throwing his head back. "You just- your smell!" Eddie leaned into the wall of the school as he crossed his arms.

Steve felt cold liquid run down his back so he checked his shoulder to see two bite marks. "God damn it, Robin can you go to the cafeteria and get napkins?" Steve asked as he pulled Eddie's hoodie off of him.

"You should let me clean you off." Eddie mumbled as he messed with his rings.

Steve turned to look at Eddie as Robin walked into the school. "Fine, fine! Don't ask me again." Steve sighed as he moved his head to the side so Eddie could get easy access.

Eddie jolted up as he licked the blood off of Steve. It was the best thing he had tasted all day. He hadn't realized it but he started to suck on the bite mark me made in Steve's shoulder. Steve was too flustered to care.

"Alright, enough." Steve pushed Eddie's head away just as Robin walked back out with napkins. Steve grabbed them with a smile, putting them over the marks.

"The next bell that rings means schools out, which is in like 3 minutes so I'd suggest you get home." Robin lightly hit Steve's good shoulder and walked back into the school.

Steve looked over as Eddie looked at his shoulder. "Eddie, it's fine. I'm proud you got this far into the day. Don't feel guilty about hurting me because it didn't hurt at all."

Eddie just nodded as he stood up, grabbing his bag. Steve quickly pulled on his hoodie, following after Eddie.

"I'm being serious, you didn't hurt me." Steve reached for Eddie's hand but the school bell rung, followed by kids racing out of the school. "Eddie could you at least look at me?"

Eddie finally stopped, leaning against his van. "You're just lying to not make me upset." He looked down at his shoes.

"What? No I'm not, I wouldn't lie about you not hurting me. If it hurt I would have said 'ow, stop it hurts'." Steve put his hands on his hips as he stood in front of Eddie.

Eddie just rolled his eyes not believing Steve. "Sure."

"I'm being serious! You didn't hurt me, can you knock it off?" Steve snapped and immediately took it back as he saw how Eddie froze.

"You didn't have to yell." Eddie mumbled as he looked around to see people looking at them. Steve could give less of two shits if people were staring.

"I'm sorry, okay. You're just irritating me because you won't believe me. You didn't hurt me, now can we go back home?" Steve ran a hand through his hair, sighing with frustration.

"Fine but it's not guaranteed I'm gonna talk to you." Eddie pushed off the side of the van and getting in.

Steve rolled his eyes as he went over to his car. He watched as Eddie pulled out of the school, now noticing everyone giving him weird looks.

"What?" Steve spoke up making everyone look away and start walking. He huffed, getting in his car and pulling off.

As he pulled into the trailer park, the whole trailer was dark. There was no lights, no music, nothing but Eddie's van out front.

Steve quickly went inside after parking to find Eddie face down in bed. He was wearing nothing but boxers.

"Eddie?" Steve whispered which made the other groan.

"Go away." Eddie's voice was muffled by the pillows.

"I'm not going to 'go away'. I want you to know you didn't hurt me. I was just startled by you randomly biting me." Steve let out a frustrated laugh as he sat at the end of the bed.

"I still don't be-"

"Eddie, for fucks sake, if you say you don't believe me one more time." Steve's voice went stern making Eddie fall silent.

It took the long haired boy a little bit before he flipped over, reaching for Steve like he was a kid. Steve rolled his eyes, giving in and letting Eddie wrap around him.

"I just want to keep you safe." Eddie slurred on his words as he fell asleep against Steve's chest.

Steve sighed before whispering "I know, Eddie. I know."


man, I just watched Enola Holmes and it was such a good movie. Also sorry for not getting this out faster, I've been very drained lately but I'm getting better! Love ya<3

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