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"Oh my god, that was fucking amazing!" Mike cheered as they left the theater.

"I told you! But does anyone listen to me? Nope!" Eddie messed Mike's hair which caused the younger to squnch up his face.

Will quietly watched the interaction with a smile. He hadn't even realized Mike had looked over at him.

"Didn't Bowie kill it?" Mike shook Will by his shoulders with a wide smile.

Will stood frozen, looking into Mike's eyes. "Yeah, he did."

Will just admired Mike's messy hair, his big brown eyes, his huge, beautiful smile, and his aesthetic change.

Eddie picked up on Will's trance as all of them continued to the van. He looked over to Steve as he remembers the first time he realized he liked Steve.

"Hey Steve?" Eddie called out with a smirk. Steve turned to look at him.

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow. Eddie then picked up Steve over his shoulder. "Eddie! Put me down!" Steve laughed as he hit Eddie's back.

The group all watched the interaction and all looked at each other.

"Never." Eddie spun in a circle with Steve on his shoulder, making him freak out.

"Babe, put-"

"Babe?!" The group all yelled in shock, but Dustin. Eddie and Steve quickly froze and looked at the group.

"Surprise." Eddie's voice cracked with an awkward smile. He put Steve down who was really embarrassed.

"I fucking knew it! I knew it! I called it!" Mike celebrated as he shook Max aggressively.

"I already knew, you guys are just late." Dustin shrugged as he opened the van door.

"I mean, it was kinda obvious." Lucas chimed in as he hopped into the back with Dustin.

Steve and Eddie looked at each other with relief.

"Yeah, you guys are so bad at hiding it." Mike rolled his eyes as he got in aswell.

Eddie quickly made his way to the passenger side. "Wait so, you guys aren't mad?"

They all looked at eachother then back to Eddie.

"Mad? This is the happiest we've seen Steve in years. Why would we be mad?" Max chuckled as she buckled up.

"Well, because we're both guys."

"Listen, we don't care. I'm happy for you guys. You compliment each other well." Lucas joined in as he grabbed Max's hand. Steve started the car, not wanting to join in on the conversation.

"It's not like we're gonna out you guys to the whole town. Chill out." Max chuckled which made Steve smile to himself as he pulled out of the theater parking lot.

Eddie nodded and slowly turned to face infront of him. It felt like a huge weight lifted off of both him and Steve's shoulders. Eddie glanced at Steve as the moonlight perfectly illuminated his skin.

"When did you guys start dating?" Will finally spoke up with a soft smile.

Eddie had to think really hard to remember. "Well, we've been dating officially for around a week or two." He answered as he looked at Will through the rear view mirror.

"Cool." Will nodded as he looked out the window.

Steve dropped them all off at home and only had Max left. The ride was mostly quiet aside from the radio lightly playing music.

"Hey, red?" Eddie spoke up as he knotted his eyebrows.

Max took her focus off out the window. "Yeah?"

"Have you ever liked a girl?" Eddie blurted out which made Steve punch his shoulder.

Max was taken off guard by the question as her eyes widened. "Why do you wanna know?" She crossed her arms as she sunk into the seat.

"You just seem like you have." Eddie looked at her through the mirror.

"And what if I did?" She looked straight back.

"She obviously doesn't want to answer the question, Eddie." Steve chimed in as they pulled into the trailer park. Eddie just nodded as he shut up.

Max bit the skin on the inside of her cheek. "I did..." She started as she picked at the skin on her fingers. "I did use to like this one girl. Steve knows her. Eddie I think you met her once." She lightly smiled.

"She saved me. Twice. She absolutely hated me at first." Max continued. "And uhm, she almost broke my arm by making me fall on my skateboard. She thought I was trying to take her boyfriends but really I can barely stand him. Still to this day."

Steve looked over at Eddie, shocked. Eddie had the same expression.

"Anyways, thanks for the ride home." Max unbuckled and got out the car. She jogged over to her trailer as she obviously wiped tears from her face.

Eddie had a smile on his face as for Steve, he was still confused. He turned the car off as he looked over at Eddie.

"Let's just sleep, I have work in the morning." Steve unbuckled as he threw Eddie the keys. He got out the car and was quickly followed by Eddie. They walked inside and was greeted with uncle Wayne cooking.

"Oh, hey! I didn't know what time you'd be back so I started making food before I had to leave for work." He smiled as he finally turned to the two.

"Thanks, uncle Wayne." Eddie smiled as Steve took his shoes off at the door.

Wayne knew about the whole Steve situation but didn't know Eddie and Steve were together. Well, that's what they thought, Wayne isn't dumb.

"It's finished now, so I'll be on my way. Goodnight, boys." Uncle Wayne pulled Eddie into a hug before walking out the door. Eddie made sure to locked it behind him.

"Sleep, now." Steve grabbed Eddie's hand, pulling him into the bedroom.

"Hang on, let's change first." Eddie chuckled as Steve just plopped down onto the bed. Eddie just threw his shirt off somewhere and changed into grey sweatpants.

"Steve, get up and change." Eddie grabbed onto Steve's arm and dragged him off the bed.

"Fine, since you wanna keep bothering me about it. I'm not even in jeans." Steve groaned as he stood up. He grabbed one of Eddie's Metallica shirts and a pair of clean boxers. He plopped back down next to Eddie. "Those kids make me exhausted."

"You barely even watched them. I was the one that did all the talking and discipline. Co-parenting involves both of us." Eddie joked as he pulled Steve to cuddle. He lazily placed his head onto Eddie's chest.

"We aren't their parents though." Steve mumbled as he was already half asleep.

"You sure act like their mom, especially with Dustin and Max." Eddie chuckled as he ran his fingers through Steve's hair.

"Well because Dustin won't get off my ass and Max..." Steve trailed off as he started to feel guilt. "She just needs someone, yknow?"

Eddie nodded as Steve slowly started to fall asleep. Not long after, Eddie fell asleep while playing with Steve's hair.


I just got home from the first day of school 👹 I had a breakdown last period bc I failed classes last year so every teacher thinks I'm a freshman and it treating me like a lost child. I have three teachers I already had tho so they don't treat me like that.

ANYWAYS, some Elmax in here tbh. Love ya!<3

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