𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑀𝑒?

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Steve woke up to Eddie screaming in his sleep. "No, no, it's not my fault." He now sounded like a scared child.

"Eddie, hey, it's okay." Steve lightly grabbed Eddie, pulling his face into his chest. "I've got you, it's okay. You're just dreaming."

Eddie soon shot awake in Steve's arms and immediately wrapped himself around the other.

"Are you okay?" Steve whispered as he held Eddie close. Eddie just shook his head no as he covered his face in Steve's chest. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Eddie again replied with shaking his head no.

They sat in silence for a bit, Steve just holding Eddie like a scared child. Eddie felt like a scared child.

After about a half an hour, Eddie finally felt ready to talk. "I had a dream about Chrissy. I-I just feel so bad because there was nothing I could do to help her." Eddie mumbled out as he pushed back tears. Steve didn't say anything and just listened. "The whole town was after me. Towards the end, my mom was holding me and telling me I was going to be okay and whatever happened to that girl wasn't my fault. It felt so, so real."

Steve still held Eddie close as he let out a sob against his chest. "It was just a dream, alright? I know that what happened with Chrissy was not your fault. Dustin knows it, Robin knows it, Mike knows it, the whole party knows it."

"I know but I just wish I could have been able to help her. She should be alive right now. She should be with Jason and his asshole of a basketball team. She should be with her family and friends. She should be graduating." Eddie finally looked up at Steve with tear filled eyes.

Steve cupped Eddie's face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "It's not your fault. There was nothing anyone could have done to save her, alright? Stop putting yourself down about it." Eddie closed his eyes into the touch and let out a sob.

Steve softly placed a kiss on Eddie's forehead and puller him back to his chest. "If you just wanna stay in today, we can. You don't even have to get out of bed if you don't want to. I'll make you food and stuff."

Eddie nodded as he continued to cry on Steve's chest.

"Eddie?" Steve whispered as he softly played with Eddie's hair.

"Hmm?" Eddie replied, not being able to talk anymore.

"When was the last time you ate?" Steve stared off into the room waiting for Eddie's response.

"Uh..." He replied as he thought of the last time he ate. "Like three days ago."

"Jesus, I'm going to make you food." Steve tried to pulled Eddie away but he just tightened his grip.

"Later, I just wanna lay like this for a while more." Eddie's words were mumbled into Steve's shirt as his voice cracked.

"Love, you need to eat. You can even follow me to the kitchen if you want." Steve sighed as he ran his fingers along Eddie's back.

"Fine, but I'm not letting go of you." Eddie pulled his arms off of Steve just so he could stand. As soon as Steve stood up, Eddie grabbed Steve's hand as they walked into the kitchen.

Steve looked through the cabinets with his free hand. He didn't know what specifically he was looking for until a pot of food on the stove caught his eye.

"Uncle Wayne cooks?" Steve questioned as he opened the lid. It was chicken noodle soup, it's still warm so it wasn't made that long ago.

"Sometimes, yeah. His specialty is soups, especially chicken noodle so I want some of that." Eddie responded as he lightly placed his chin on Steve's shoulder.

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