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"Eddie and I almost hooked up after his gig." Steve mumbled as he leaned his back against the counter. Robin's jaw dropped as she let out a laugh.

"You, Steve Harrington, almost hooked up with Eddie Munson? You're the one that started to call him a freak!" Robin basically jumped in her seat.

Steve groaned and threw his head back. "Can you stop reminding me of how much of a dickhead I use to be?" He looked back towards her with the most annoyed face. "And it was in the moment. I felt so alive, in a way. I just want to feel more. But then Dustin barged in." Steve lowered his voice at the last part but Robin heard it loud and clear. She laughed hysterically in Steve face.

"Poor kid, had to see his two parents smacking lips!" Robin joked as she slapped Steve's shoulder, still laughing.

"Haha, so funny." Steve rolled his eyes. The door chimed signaling someone had walked in. "Welcome to Family Video. What you want, we have." Steve still faced Robin as he spoke.

"Not even gonna look at me, love?" Eddie's voice rung from the other side of the counter. Steve turned completely around and wrapped his arms around Eddie.

"Thank you for saving me from this very awkward conversation with Robin." Steve pulled away and gave the girl a stank eye. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the computer.

"Where's dustin?" Steve asked as he sat ontop of the counter with Eddie between his legs.

"At home, we finished painting and I wanted to see you but he kept bringing up with whole thing last night so I didn't bring him." Eddie smiled up at Steve as he placed his hands on Steve's sides.

"Also I wanted to talk to you about something." Eddie held out his hand for Steve to take. He happily took it as Eddie lead Steve to the break room. Eddie closed the door and turned to Steve. "What-" Eddie was cut off by a pair of lips on his.

Steve pulled away and wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck. "Okay, continue." Steve smiled up at Eddie.

"Wh- Do you- Can we make this thing we have going on official? I know you said we should go on a date first but I can't wait that long. You said this like four or five days ago, never went on that stupid date. I just really want to call you mine and you call me yours." Eddie rambled and added a nervous laugh at the end.

Steve just looked into Eddie's eyes like they were the last people on Earth. "Of course, yeah!" Steve connected their lips once more, Eddie smiling into it.

Eddie was the one that pulled away this time. "My boyfriend is Steve Harrington." Eddie cupped Steve's face, shaking him.

"My boyfriend is the beautiful, but horrid smelling, Eddie Munson." Steve joked with a light chuckle.

"Wow, I smell bad?" Eddie asked as he opened the break rooms door.

"Just a little." Steve laughed as he walked out. Eddie followed right behind him.

"I can't believe this, I'm sorry I'm not perfect like king Steve." Eddie laughed as well but that made Steve stop laughing.

"I'm not even close to perfect." Steve went back behind the counter as Robin was now helping a customer.

The customer looked over at Steve and Eddie having small talk and being very close. She then turned back to Robin who was going on and on about the different fantasy movies.

"Hey, when was Harrington friends with the freak?" The customer asked crossing her arms.

Robin turned back to look at her two friends then at the customer. "For some time now. Steve apologized for being a dick in high sch-"

"Steve apologized?" The customer cut off Robin, looking back to Steve and Eddie as they laughed.

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't he?" Robin raised an eyebrow as the customer looked back to Robin.

"When he and I were friends, he swore he'd never talk to that freak in a friendly manner. Tommy could even vouch on it." Robin finally realized she was talking to Carol.

"Oh-" Robin awkwardly laughed as she brought a tape up to her chest. "Don't you think 'freak' is a little, yknow, harsh?"

Carol eyed Robin up and down and scoffed. "Harsh? No, never harsh. More of just the truth. I mean, look at him." She pointed towards Eddie as he messed up Steve's hair.

"He's a normal human, I don't get how it's that hard to see. He just has different interests then everyone else and isn't afraid to show it. Do you want to buy a damn movie or not?" Robin finally had enough of Carol and snapped. That made Eddie and Steve both look over.

Steve then walked over to make sure Robin was okay. "Everything al-" Steve cut himself off as he looked over at Carol. "Right?"

"Hey, old pal." Carol smiled as she twirled her hair.

"H-Hey, Carol." Steve looked over at Robin and she huffed and stormed off, back behind the counter.

"I don't know what her deal was. I was just trying to rent a movie and she yelled at me." Carol rolled her eyes and annoyingly chewed her gum.

"Robin wouldn't have yelled at you for no reason, she isn't like that." Steve crossed his arms over his chest as Carol seductively eyed Steve.

"You look a lot sexier than you did in High School, Harrington." She put her hand on Steve's arm which he obviously pulled away.

He awkwardly laughed and looked back over to Eddie and Robin. "I actually have a girlfriend, so-"

"She isn't here, is she?" Carol smirked as she looked around.

"Well- s- Carol, could you cut it out?" Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, looking up at the ceiling.

"I was just messing with you, Harrington. I wouldn't wanna fuck up your relationship that's probably going to crumbled like the last one anyways." She made a fake pouting face then laughed.

Steve then turned around and went to walk away but was pulled back by Carol.

"I actually wanted to ask you something." Carol smirked as she took her hand off of Steve's arm. He placed his hand on his hips with an eyebrow raises, waiting for the question.

"When did you and the freak become friends?" Carol made a disgusted face while looking back at Eddie.

Steve rolled his eyes so hard he thought they were gonna pop out of his head. "One, he isn't a freak. Two, am I not allowed to grow from being an absolute dick? He's actually really cool, alright? But you wouldn't know that since you're still such an asshole. Now buy something, or get out of my store."

Carol stood shocked. She nodded slowly with a smile. "So you're a freak too, Harrington? Words been going around."

"Can you fucking- get out." Steve pointed towards the door with an annoyed look. His face said it all.

Carol gasped as she slapped Steve's across the face. "Is that really how you're going to treat a customer, an old frie-"

"You never were my friend, Carol! You were some bitch that would never leave me alone and I'd deal with it! Now out!" Steve finally snapped. Carol rolled her eyes, flipping all of them off and walking out the store.

Steve walked back over to see Robin covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. She was shaking her head as Eddie tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry for yelling, Robin."


Tell me how I started playing Sims at like 12am and then I stop, I got to charge my phone bc it died AND ITS NOW 5 IN THE FUCKING MORNING? I swear, time flies fast asf when you play Sims.

I've been debating on making a spin off of this of just Eddie's childhood growing up and i wanted to know if you guys would read that? Idk, i just thought it would be cool. Love ya<3

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