𝑁𝑜𝑤 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑑, 𝑁𝑒𝑟𝑑.

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Steve woke up to his alarm blaring. He groaned as he slapped the top of it to stop. He tried to go back to sleep but was distracted by the smell of eggs roaming through the house.

He got up out of bed and stretched his hands above his head. He let out a yawn as he walked down the stairs. Stopping at the mirror at the bottom of the steps, he fixed his bed head a bit before turning into the kitchen.

He stopped as he stared at Eddie cooking breakfast. He didn't have a shirt but his jeans were on. Steve's eyes trailed down to the healing wounds on the others side.

"I feel you staring, Harrington." Eddie smiled lightly as he placed the scrambled eggs onto the plate, handing it to Steve. He planted a soft kiss on the others forehead then turned back to cleaning up the dishes he had left.

"Good morning to you too." Steve sat at the table, looking over at Eddie. He still couldn't believe that he had enough courage to kiss him last night.

Do I really like guys? I mean, I've never felt this way for a dude. Sure I could say some are attractive but I never would kiss any of them. What is this feeling? I know I'm not gay because I still like women. Who would pass on boobies?

"How'd you sleep?" Eddie cut off Steve's thinking process as he sat across from him.

"I slept okay." Steve simply answered as he ate the last of his eggs. He hadn't realized Eddie was admiring him so hard until he looked back up. "I know, I'm just so sexy." He joked as he stood up to wash his plate.

"Can we talk about last night?" Eddie followed Steve over to the sink and leaned against the counter.

"What is there to talk about?" He played dumb, not looking over at Eddie. He knew exactly what the other wanted to talk about.

"The kiss? Both times, actually. You made this huge speech about how you don't like guys and then you kiss me after I tell you that you make me feel crazy. It's like you're just messing with me..." Eddie took a second before continuing. "Do you like me or not?" He looked away from Steve to the ground.

Steve dried the plate off and finally turned to Eddie. He placed a hand on Eddie's face, making the other look at him.

"Well, I've only ever felt this way with Nancy so yeah, I think I do like you." He lightly wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck. He brought his face up to the others ear and whispered, "thank you for breakfast," before pulling away.

He practically skipped upstairs into his room to change. He heard Munson follow right behind him.

"Wait, you like me?" Eddie stopped the door with his hands from it closing.

"Well, yeah."

"But the whole speech."

"I was just in denial."

"Then what are we?" This sentence finally made Steve look over to the other. He honestly didn't know the answer to that.

"I-I don't know." He mumbled out with his arms crossed. Eddie lightly sighed as he sat at the end of Steve's bed. He joined him but laid back to stare at the ceiling.

"I guess I'll just keep trying to figure myself out, yeah?" He placed both of his hands onto his stomach as Eddie laid back with him. "I just also still find women attractive. It's just all confusing to me."

"Did Robin never tell you what bisexual is?" Eddie spoke a little confused mixed with surprised as he looked over at Steve. He never realized how perfect his side profile looked.

"No, what the hell is that?" Steve let out a dry laugh, not taking his attention off the ceiling.

"It's where you like both men and women." Eddie spoke with his hands. Steve opened his mouth to speak but Eddie read his mind. "And no, it's not being half gay. You can like women more and not as much men. Or you can like men more and not as much women. And you can like the equally."

Steve left himself quiet trying to process this new information. "T-That might be what I am. But the leaning more towards women part because y'know, boobies." He shot up looking back down at Eddie while laughing. Both of their laughs filled the room as Eddie sat up with Steve.

"I'm glad I could help you figure yourself out, Harrington. Does it make you feel less crazy?" Eddie grabbed Steve's head and shook it which earned a smile from the perfect haired boy.

"Yeah," Steve pulled Eddie's hands off of his head, intertwining their fingers. "It does make me feel less crazy." He looked down at their hands then back up to Munson who leaned in to kiss Steve but he pulled back.

"Before we kiss again, we should go on a date. Also, you're going to be late for school, Eddie 'the hero' Munson. Plus, the last day is in like a week." Steve smiled as he unlocked their hands. Eddie took this opportunity to grab onto Steve's hips and carefully place him onto his lap.

"I'm no hero, Harrington. People still think I killed Chrissy, you know? They all still do." Eddie placed his head onto Steve's chest. "I'd rather fail again before getting deheaded by the whole basketball team."

"Well you're not wanted anymore. Everyone knows who actually did it but they just don't want to believe themselves. They just want someone to blame. I promise, I won't let anyone lay a finger on you anymore. I would literally storm into that school if I had to." Steve chuckled as he played with Eddie's hair, making sure not to pull on it.

"I don't need King Steve to be my bodyguard. I can handle myself." Eddie looked up to make eye contact with the boy in his lap. "Can I have that kiss before I have to leave though?" The corner of his lips turned up into a smile as Steve chuckled.

Eddie pulled them both down onto the bed so Steve was on top. "Please, I'm practically begging for a kiss. I'm not the one that should be begging too." His hands went under Steve's shirt, feeling the sides of his body. He would feel the bite marks those demobats left.

"Fine, only this one last time before we go on a date, alright?" Steve rolled his eyes before bringing his face down, connecting their lips. Eddie smiled into the kiss as he brought his hand to the side of Steve's face. As they pulled apart, Eddie rolled them over so he was on top which made Steve yell out.

"Hey, I said only one last ki-" He was cut off by lips connecting to his. Steve honestly didn't mind it but Eddie really needed to get to school.

Eddie pulled away with a smile. "Alright, are you gonna let me borrow clothes or what? I'll be way too late if I go to my trailer to get clothes." He got up from the bed and stood in the middle of the room.

"You do realize you leave a shit ton of clothes in the guest bedroom and I clean them, right?" Steve sat up to meet his gaze. Eddie face lite up with a even bigger smile then before.

"Is that where my Iron Maiden shirt went?" He excitedly ran out of the room into the other. He dug through the draws of all his clean clothes and finally, he held it up. It was his second most favorite shirt, apart from the Hellfire tee.

Steve walked into the room with a smile. "You're welcome, now get changed, nerd. I'll be waiting in the car." He chuckled as he started his way down the steps.

Seeing Eddie so happy over a shirt filled Steve with joy. A joy he's never felt before. If I could explain this feeling in words, he would.


The one thing I should be a professional at is ending theses chapters in such awkward places fr. Idk why this chapter took so incredibly long. I started to lose motivation in the middle of writing it and kinda gave up so I'm sorry if it's not as good as the rest.

Also since it was the 4th of July weekend I was pretty busy, even tho I really didn't want to celebrate. But I hung out with my boyfriend and his family and then I had to hang out with mine then went out with friends. I wonder what you guys did or are doing tbh.

But anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter bc it took HELL to write it, such a simple chapter to take so damn long

Ily all<3

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