Chapter 13 | Apologize

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Five days.

Five fucking days that Sawyer hasn't talked to me.

Five fucking days that I haven't talked to Sawyer.

This week has been one of the worst weeks that I have ever experienced in my whole seventeen—almost eighteen—years of living.

That test that I took during fourth period on Monday was an absolute disaster. I was right, I failed it. I proved myself right and I really didn't want to.

When I asked Reece about the test, he said that he got an A. He didn't even study and he got an A! I was happy for him, of course, but there was this underlying feeling of envy. I literally studied my ass off for that test, all for nothing.

On top of the fact that I failed my test, every single day, Jake and his friends have found some sort of way to terrorize me. They'll call me nasty names when we cross paths in the halls, they'll blatantly insult me in front of people and sometimes they'll even try to grab onto me. They'll grab for my arms or my stomach and point out some of the fat that sits on them. But the worst part of it all is that the people that witness them doing it don't say anything. They'll either laugh or pretend that they didn't witness at all.

I haven't told anyone about the terrorizing though. I don't really want to be a burden. I can handle my own shit, even if it means having to deal with Jake and all of his dick sucking friends.

"Bye Margot, thanks for the ride." I hop out of the car not waiting for an answer and speed walk to my front door.

Things have been a little weird with Peyton, Margot and I. I've kind of been avoiding them. I'm embarrassed of the way that I broke down in the bathroom and that they had to see me like that. I sort of trauma dumped everything on them and I didn't mean to. I apologized to them for kicking them out of the bathroom and it's been a little tense since then.

I think they're waiting for me to open up to them. They're both the type of people to not pry into people's lives, so they'll let me move at my own pace. But if I'm being honest, I don't really feel like bringing that topic up again. I'll just tell them that I'm fine and we'll move on from there.

Truth be told, I miss them. A lot. I'm tired of all of this tension between us, I just want things to go back to the way that they were, and if telling them that I'm all good will make it that way, then I'm fine with that.

As I'm getting out of my school clothes, I hear the doorbell ring.

Normally, I wouldn't bother trying to open the door when I'm home alone, but I could care less at the moment.

As I'm opening the door though, I'm realizing that I should have listened to all of the times that my parents told me not to open the door, because if I did, Sawyer wouldn't be standing right here in front of me.

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