Chapter 1: The First Mission

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The next day came pretty quickly, Byleth wanders around the monastery, spoke with the house leaders, got acquainted with the students, and returns to Rhea to decide the house she wishes to teach.

Rhea: Well? Have you made your decision yet?

Byleth: I have.

The other two professors of the academy, Hanneman and Manuela, were there as well, and allowed Byleth to choose what house they want to teach first. Since she's new and all that.

Byleth: I choose the Black Eagle house.

Rhea: Is that so? You have made your choice. I pray that you and your students form an everlasting bond, and that you teach them well.

Hanneman: Very well then. You may leave the Blue Lion house to me.

Manuela: Then that leaves the Golden Deer to me.

Nanu: Well then, with that out of the way, why don't you go down and greet your students as the newest professor?

Byleth nods, and leaves the audience chamber with a bow. The Black Eagle house, as well as the other two, had more students than what they usually had. And by that, I mean more important characters, rather than NPCs. The students of the Black Eagle house consist of Edelgard, Hubert, Caspar, Linhardt, Ferdinand von Aegir, Bernadetta, Dorothea, and some other characters known as Yoshino and Hoshino Raijin, and Alice Kanzaki. And, of course, Shez is also a student here now as well.

Caspar: Wait, you're our new professor?!

Dorothea: Oh my... So young. And beautiful...

Shez: Wait, are you serious...?! Of all the houses, you had to choose this one?!

Yoshi: Seems these two have history.

Alice: Heh. This ought to be fun to watch.

Bernadetta: Another stranger is joining our class...?! Can this day get any worse...?!

Linhardt: Please quiet down, Bernadetta. Some of us are trying to nap.

Hoshi: And by some of us, you mean you.

Linhardt: Precisely. Now, if you'll excuse me... *yawn* I'll be napping...

Ferdinand: From what I've heard from Edelgard, you are quite a skilled swordsman. Err, well, swords-woman, I should say.

Edelgard: I apologize for the chaos you've walked into. They are not usually this...rowdy.

Hubert: It would seem your first order of business would be to reign in the class. Heheheh... I don't envy you.

Byleth: It is fine. I am used to it.

Shez: Being a mercenary and all. I get it.

Edelgard: Either way, we are the Black Eagles. And I hope we may learn a lot from your tutelage.

Byleth: I will certainly try.

Edelgard: Well then, I suppose we should discuss our upcoming mission?

Byleth: That would be best.

Edelgard: From what Seteth has told us, we are to clean up the rest of bandits that escaped. And, if you don't mind, I also asked if Professor Jeritza to join us as well.

Byleth: That is fine by me.

Edelgard: Good. The knights will be around as backup as well.

Byleth: Will it be Nanu?

Edelgard: Ah, you wish to observe the Captain's sword skills? Unfortunately, he will be busy with other business. So he will not be accompanying us on this mission.

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