Chapter 4: Attack on the Holy Mausoleum

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Security at Garreg Mach Monastery had been tightened significantly for this month. Byleth wanders the monastery in search of anything suspicious or out of place when something slides into her mind.

Nanu: Something on your mind, Professor?

Byleth: It may be baseless right now, but what if this assassination plot is only a distraction?

Nanu: Ah, so you thought it too?

Byleth: You did as well?

Nanu: It was kind of obvious. After all, why would Lonato be holding onto something so damning? And not even bothering to hide it from prying eyes and hands? Sloppy.

Byleth: Where do you think the enemy will strike?

Nanu: Garreg Mach has plenty of valuable locations and treasures. We have a treasure vault if our enemies are common thieves looking to make bank. The Greenhouse is home to plenty of herbs and plant species that are going extinct or can't be found anywhere else. The pantry is...well, it's a pantry. That's unlikely. But out of everywhere, two places come to my mind. The Holy Tomb beneath the monastery, and the Holy Mausoleum at the way back of the cathedral. But nobody knows the way to the Holy Tomb other than Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn. Oh, and me too, of course. It isn't public knowledge and all that. But the Holy Mausoleum is a different story. Since we're stretched so thin this year, it'll likely be lightly guarded, and the area is normally no available to the public. But on the day of the Rite of Rebirth, it is open to the public with knight supervision. But again, we're gonna be stretched pretty thin this year because of this assassination plot.

Byleth: I see... Very interesting...

In Byleth's mind, a young girl speaks to her. Her name is Sothis, and she is an amnesiac.

Sothis: Hmm... I get the strangest feeling about this man. Like he's always hiding something. Are we sure he is truly trustworthy?

Byleth: I trust you, Nanu. Will we guard the Holy Mausoleum together then?

Nanu: I have a better idea.

Nanu grins, and tells Byleth of his plan.

Nanu: Unfortunately, I can't be with you to fully enact it. After all, while this note may be a distraction, we can't fully rule out the possibility of assassination. So I'll stay with Rhea during the Rite while you handle the intruders in the Mausoleum.

Byleth: Understandable. She is your wife, after all. It is natural to want to protect her from any would be threats.

Nanu: Yeah. Okay. We have a time, and a place. Now we just need to find the motive. But that can wait until after we catch them.

Byleth: Understood. Thank you for this, Nanu.

Nanu: Anytime.

With that, the two split off, as Byleth goes to tell her students about what she spoke of with Nanu.

Edelgard: I see. He is a sharp one, that Nanu. It's no wonder he's the captain of the Knights.

Hubert: Hmph. I'm sure we could've figured it out ourselves in half the time.

Alice: But you didn't.

Hubert: Grr... Well we aren't sure if he is completely right.

Byleth: I trust his judgement.

Shez: So do I. He's clearly very experienced in all sorts of fields. If he thinks he's right, then he must be really confident in his work. And it's all we have to go off of right now.

Hubert: I suppose you are right.

Yoshi: Wow, it's rare for Hubert to just back down like that.

Hoshi: Can't wait to see his face when captain Nanu turns out to be right.

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