Chapter 10: The Goddess's Awakening

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Byleth takes a couple weeks off teaching for the time being. She made frequent visits to Jeralt during this time, keeping him company other than Manuela. She made stops in Jeralt's office as well.

Sothis: You're acting as if he's dead. Please stop it. It's disturbing me.

Byleth: I can't help it... Hearing that he may not be able to fight again...and that if he even tries he could die... It worries me greatly...

Sothis: I can understand where you are coming from, but he is not dead yet, and the church people seem to want to keep it that way as well. This is your time off. Use it to relax and clear your head.

Byleth: ...

Sothis: Hm? Hey, what is that book over there?

Byleth looks over to where Sothis instructed, and picks up what seems to be an old diary.

Sothis: Is this...your father's diary? Hm. He did say that if anything happened to him you should look for something with this cover. Let us open it and read it's contents, shall we?

In silence, Byleth begins reading through her father's diary. It spoke of his time with the Knights of Seiros, how he met her mother, and that she passed soon after Byleth was born. He also wrote down some suspicions about Lady Rhea, and that he uses a fire in the monastery to fake the baby's death. Her death.

Sothis: Interesting... So even someone as loyal as your father was freaked out by Rhea... He believes she did something to you when you were a baby.

Byleth: Just...who am I...?

Sothis: Hm? Someone is coming.

Byleth turns to the door, and sees Alice walk into the room.

Alice: Hey Professor. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Byleth: I'm fine now, thank you...

Alice: That's good. I think you'll be pleased to hear that Jeralt is recovering.

Byleth: Yes. But Nanu told me he may not be able to fight anymore.

Alice: That's a possibility... But I'm that can change in the future.

Byleth: Thank you for saying that... I think I should be ready to teach again soon.

Alice: I hope so too. Brother is strong and smart and all, but he's not the best explainer. Yesterday, when he was teaching Dorothea some magic, he told her she should be feeling a "CA-CRAKLE" feeling in her fingers. Needless to say, she didn't quite understand.

Byleth: Hehehe... I could imagine. Thank you, Alice.

Alice: No problem.


The next day came, and Byleth was back to roaming the monastery normally. She got a lot of comforting words from the students, even those who she doesn't teach. Of course, her lessons didn't have as much heart as they used to, but she was getting better day by day. And soon, Alice would come over to Byleth on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Alice: Professor. I have a report you might wanna hear.

Byleth: What is it, Alice?

Alice: The knights have found where Kronya ran after to after she dipped from Remire.

Byleth: Really...?!

Nanu: Yes. But we can't have you going.

Alice: Brother?!

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