Chapter 16: To War

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The next day, the group all take their seats once again.

Edelgard: Well then, this should be a rather fast battle. After all, you know where the Agarthans are, do you not?

Nanu: Uhhh...

Dimitri: Nanu?

Nanu: Okay, real talk, I honestly don't remember WHERE exactly they are.

Claude: You're...joking right?

Nanu: No. I mean, it's been 22 years since I've lived there, so my memory of the place is a bit hazy. I just know it isn't anything like anywhere in Fódlan.

Claude: Well that's vague.

Edelgard: What about Kronya?

Nanu: She's away at the moment. I sent her to Goneril Territory to meet with Holst and try and talk to the Almyrans.

Dimitri: I see. What about any of your younger siblings?

Nanu: Some are too young to even remember the place, and others would rather not thinking about.

Perse: What about Vince?! He just came from there, didn't he?

Vincent: Hmmmm...

The white haired male begins thinking hard, only to fall to the floor in a slow and comedic fashion.

Vincent: Sorry... I'm trying to remember, but there's some kind of block in my memory...

Athena: It looks like we'll have to wait until Kronya comes back to actually pinpoint them.

Claude: And knowing the Almyrans, she's gonna be there a while trying to talk with them.

Edelgard: Can't we just pull her back?

Nanu: I would love to. But unfortunately I can't do that. I gave her her orders to stick with Holst until the Almyrans submit, and if I ever say otherwise, I'm an impostor.

Claude: Uh? Amongus?

Nanu: Hey. It's not as funny the second time.

Edelgard: Wonderful job, Captain...

Nanu: What?! I didn't think you'd actually agree to anything so quickly!

Claude: Understandable. Those two are pretty annoying to deal with.

Both Edelgard and Dimitri turn to Claude, their faces deadpan.

Dimitri: Very funny, Claude.

Edelgard: I am laughing so hard.

Nanu: Anyway, until Kronya gets back, we can drive a wedge into their military forces.

Edelgard: Oh? Yes, that does sound like a good idea.

Catherine: Captain!

Nanu: Hm? What's up, Catherine?

Catherine: Our scouts have confirmed sightings of a large army heading this was from Rowe Territory AND from Hrym Territory!

Nanu: What? Is it Agarthan?!

Catherine: We aren't sure. But we have confirmed that Baron Dominic is leading the force in Faergheus, and the former Duke Aegir leading from Adrestia!

Ferdinand: My father?!

Annette: And my uncle too?!

Nanu: It's likely Thales and Cornelia are behind these armies.

Dimitri: Well, we can't just ignore these acts of aggression.

Edelgard: I agree. I will make my way to Hrym territory and deal with Duke Aegir.

Dimitri: And I will march to Faergheus to deal with Cornelia.

Claude: Man, you guys sure have it rough.

Nanu: Claude, do you think you can split some of your guys to help them?

Claude: Sure. But Hilda and Rikari will be sticking with me. Let's see, how about...Lysithea, Perse, Shane, and Marianne will help the Empire with Hrym. Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, and Lorenz will head to the Kingdom and aid them.

Edelgard: Thank you, Claude.

Dimitri: Yes. Rest assured, we will return victorious.

Claude: And neither of you better let any of my friends die out there.

Edelgard: They will be safe in our care.

Nanu: Great. Oh, Claude, if you could head to Fódlan's Throat and help with negotiations with Almyra, that would be wonderful.

Claude: Yeah, that sounds good to me.

Nanu: Perfect. Unified Fódlan's Forces, move out!

With that, the group fans out their nations to handle their respective crises.

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