Chapter 14 1.2: Assault in the Mist

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Dimitri: Ah. It would seem everyone has arrived.

Felix: What is this about?

Dimitri: Nanu of the Church of Seiros says he wishes for us to meet with the leaders of the Empire and Alliance at Garreg Mach.

Annette: The Empire? But didn't they just declare war against the Church?

Athena: That had been settled before any fighting could take place.

Dimitri: Oh! Lady Athena.

Sylvain: What do you mean it's been settled already?

Athena: Nanu actually sat down with Edelgard to discuss peace negotiations before any fighting could break out. And she actually agreed to be chill, as difficult as that is to believe.

Felix: Well that's not the least bit suspicious.

Azura: Save your sarcasm, Felix. This may be a big step for the future of Fódlan.

Kyoki: Y-Yes... I'm sure it'll be fine... Probably...?

Kyoki Kozaki, a foreign royal with no Crest. He is a bit of a shy boy. Okay, he's an extremely shy boy with some serious social anxiety. He claims he is from a far off land known as Hoshido, evident by his strange, giant bird creature he rides into battle on known as a Kinshi. He has no memory of how he arrived in Fódlan, or even how he has the weapons he has. However, despite his amnesiac background, Seteth brought him to Garreg Mach with his Kinshi in tow, where he met and befriended a young Azura. While he is shy and rarely ever spoke out of his own accord, he becomes terrifying during a battle. Ruthless even. His sword, he calls it Raijinto, and his bow, the Fujin Yumi, are apparently divine weapons where he comes from.

Saikoa: Hehehe! I can't wait to see Ali again!

Saikoa Barley, a minor former Kingdom noble with no Crest. She met Alice at a young age at Garreg Mach, and the two have been friends ever since. Saikoa's family, having refused to take part in the Tragedy of Duscur nine years ago, the perpetrators razed her family's lands to the ground, forcing a maid to deliver the girl to Garreg Mach. Saikoa is a short stack, yet she has monstrous strength on par with Alice, whose strength is greater than even King Dimitri's. She is also very attuned to nature, being able to hear, see, and smell far better than the average human, almost like a beast. Which is why she prefers to fight in hand to hand combat. Though she does not call it "fighting". Instead, she uses the much more endearing term "playing". She is essentially an childish looking adult with large breasts but still acts like a child.

Ingrid: Saikoa, could you please stop jumping like that? Sylvain is staring.

Sylvain: H-Hey, c'mon, that was uncalled for! Besides, I wasn't the only one who was staring, right Ashe?

Ashe: D-Don't lump me in with you, Sylvain! It's just...very difficult to avert from a display like that...!

Annette: Well, I think we should get going now. Right Mercie?

Mercedes: ...

Annette: Mercie?

Mercedes: Oh?! I'm sorry. I was lost in thought.

Azura: What for?

Mercedes: Well, I just thinking back on our days at the academy. We all haven't been in the same room for such a long time.

Dimitri: Yes, I agree. It is rather nice to see you all happy and healthy.

Azura: Indeed. As House Leader, I couldn't be prouder to be part of this house.

Athena: I hate to be that girl, but we should get going soon.

Dimitri: Ah, yes. Apologies for holding you up. Let us be off at once.

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