Chapter 13: To War?

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Another year has passed. The Church of Seiros still have not located Professor Byleth, and news of it soon reaches Adrestia. Edelgard, knowing this could shift the coming war in her favor, sees this as an opportunity to strike. The Emperor gathers her soldiers to make her speech.

Edelgard: People of Fódlan (only her subjects in the Empire though, cuz apparently everyone who doesn't hear her speech today isn't a person born in Fódlan)! The leaders of the church have misused its creed to fulfill their true desire-to rule the world! They have fooled the people of Fódlan! The Empire will stand by no longer! Together, we rise against a church that has become steeped in deception and corruption! The church has used their doctrine to deny you power and reshape Fódlan as they see fit! Long ago, they divided the Empire to a create a Kingdom and then...divided that Kingdom to create an Alliance. They thrust upon you the illusion of nobility in order to oppress who they choose! They caused instability in order to reinforce their own authority! They teased you with the promise of salvation from pain they themselves inflicted, and did so in the name of their own profit! Well I say "No more"! The Empire has severed herself from their hypocrisy by restoring the Southern Church and nurturing her people's well being. And today, we purge the world of their evil forever! Those corrupt hypocrites cannot lead Fódlan to true peace. Their foul belief system must be torn asunder so that true wisdom may finally prevail (yes, because she obviously know of events that transpired centuries past from a very credible source)! And so, I have decided. By order of the Adrestian Emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg...The Empire hereby declares war on the false Church of Seiros!

Off in the shadows, listening to the whole speech, Amu retreats back to Garreg Mach to give the news before anything can actually happen. And as you'd imagine, Rhea was not too pleased by this.

Rhea: Nanu! Prepare our knights for war!

Nanu: Hold your horsies, dear. Let's not act rashly.

Rhea: Rashly? The Empire has suddenly declared war against us! This must be stamped out immediately.

Nanu: That won't do us any good. Both you and Edelgard are making the wrong first moves. Let's think of hypotheticals for a moment. Say we do strike before they can. If Edelgard's system is already in place and she's chosen a heir, that heir will declare on us as well. If we stamp them out, the heir after will hunt us down. And I will continue. Forever. That's how rebellions like this get out of hand, revenge.

Rhea: So you suggest we sit back and let them desiccate our sacred grounds?

Nanu: I never said that. There are two ways to end a war. The first, is obviously violence. The second? Through negotiations.

Seteth: You do not truly believe she will simply stand down, do you?

Nanu: Hey, I've done it many times with Rhea before. Edelgard is basically Rhea 2.0. It shouldn't be that hard as long Edelgard actually has a single working brain cell.

Flayn: And how exactly will you win her over?

Nanu: Simple. Just throw some facts and logic, tear apart her arguments, expose her lies, and just watch her squirm. She'll break eventually, and when she does, she'll drop this stupid idea of war.

Seteth: Rhea... I believe we give these peace negotiations an honest attempt. Nanu makes sound arguments, as per usual.

Rhea: But Nanu. She tried to...

Nanu: I know. But I'm not about to let something as petty as revenge keep me from keeping Fódlan at peace. This land is my home, and like it or not, we can't choose who we share this land with.

Rhea: ...very well. I will leave the negotiations to you, as I fear any attempts from I will be shut down near immediately.

Nanu: Of course. Amu.

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