3 C Support Conversations

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Alice and Edelgard C Support convo:

Edelgard: Ah, Alice. There you are. I wanted to—

Alice: ... *walks past her*

Edelgard: Alice?


Edelgard: Alice, do you mind if I—

Alice: Great. Now I just lost my appetite. Thanks a lot. *leaves*

Edelgard: ...?


Edelgard: Alice, I—

Alice: UGH!! Would you just stop following me?!

Edelgard: I wouldn't be following you if you would just listen to what I have to say!

Alice: Well guess what, "Your Majesty"? I don't give a rat's ass about what you have to say!

Edelgard: Alice, you are being childish.

Alice: That's rich coming from the most childish person I know.

Edelgard: Me? Childish?!

Alice: Yes, you! And do you wanna know why?

Edelgard: Very well. Please, enlighten me!

Alice: Oh, I will, alright! First off, you're so arrogant that it chokes me up! I can't even stand hearing you talk in your condescending tone for more than five seconds without getting an excruciating migraine! Second, you're hopelessly idealistic! Do your HONESTLY think that your new society will be well loved and accepted immediately by EVERYONE, who's homes you would've trampled and conquered?! "LeT's TeAr DoWn ThIs RoTtEn SoCiEty!" Pah! You make it sound SO simple it's almost painful! Guess what genius?! It's easy enough to overthrow a government, but it's not as easy to start a new one from the ground up! And last, but certainly not least, you're a f**king hypocrite! "I wIlL mAkE a WoRlD wHeRe OnE's BiRtH dOeSn'T mAtTeR!!" Really? Then why were you literally about to have Shez execute me for doing nothing?! Oh wait, I know why! Cuz I was BORN an Agarthan! I even HELPED you with your coup two years ago! WHO DOES THAT?!

Edelgard: And that's exactly why I want to apologize to you!

Alice: O M G!! I am EVER so VERY sorry, "Your Majesty"! I do not deserve such a genuine and heartfelt apology! AS IF!! What's a couple small words gonna do to help me forgive you? What, just cuz your emperor, you expect me to bend over backwards at your beck and call and accept every word you say without question? Do I look like MONICA?! I don't want, or need, your half assed apologies! What I NEED are actions! Show me that you mean what you say! SHOW ME HOW MUCH TRUTH THERE IS TO THAT PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR AN APOLOGY!!

Edelgard: ...

Alice: Ugh...! I've been shouting too much... I'm heading to bed... *leaves*


Azura and Dimitri C Support convo:

Azura: *singing "Lost in Thought All Alone" by a lake*

Dimitri: ...

Azura: Hm? Oh, Your Majesty. I wasn't expecting to see you out here. And...alone, no less.

Dimitri: Ah, I apologize if I interrupted your performance.

Azura: Oh, not at all. I just finished the song, in fact.

Dimitri: If I may, Nanu said you were wanderers at a young age, correct? Did you learn to sing from the opera house in the Empire?

Azura: No. While we did wander, we never actually wandered south into the Empire. I was self taught.

Dimitri: Really?

Azura: Well, almost. My mother used to sing us lullabies. When she got captured, Perse and Amu would have a hard time falling asleep. So I started singing the lullabies in her stead. And from there, I just had this passion for song.

Dimitri: I see. You must really care for your family.

Azura: Of course. Growing up, we had nobody else. We stuck together like glue, and would always be there for each other. Alice and Athena sing as well, but they've never been as open about it as I have.

Dimitri: You've led such a tough life thus far... If I could've found you in the past, I'm sure you wouldn't have needed to suffer so much.

Azura: It's okay, Dimitri. Despite the hardships, I am content with my life as it stands. I wish to look forward with my life, not be bogged down in the past. The same could be said for the rest of my family.

Dimitri: Like the rest of your family, you sure are impressive.

Azura: ...

Dimitri: Hm? Is something the matter?

Azura: Oh. Nothing. Shall we take a stroll, your Majesty? Perhaps I can sing you a song as well.

Dimitri: Ah, very well then. That would be lovely.


Rikari and Claude C Support convo:

Claude: Ah, Rikari. Just who I was looking for.

Rikari: Claude? Did you need me for something?

Claude: Yes, actually. I noticed you were always baking in your free time.

Rikari: I don't like where this going already...

Claude: What? I was just gonna suggest we use some of those to poison some enemies in the future.

Rikari: Yup, saw that coming... Well, I'm sorry Claude, but I don't think I want my pastries associated with poison.

Claude: Hmm, yeah, okay. It was worth a shot at least.

Rikari: *sighs* I was hoping you and I could have a normal conversation for once...

Claude: Hm? What was that?

Rikari: N-Nothing! I didn't say anything important!

Claude: When you shout like that, it doesn't help me from thinking otherwise.

Rikari: I said it was nothing! D-Dummy! *runs off*

Claude: Huh? Rikari, wai—! Aaaaand, she's gone. Huh... I just can't get a read on her... The Primroses sure are mysterious...

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