Chapter 12: Ambush at Garreg Mach

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At the crack of dawn, Alice arrives at Garreg Mach once again, abandoning her mountain home that is still under construction. She enters the town, and sees Seteth running errands. He notices her presence quickly, and turns to her.

Seteth: Alice? What are you doing back here? I thought you were building you home in the Empire?

Alice: I was. But then I was almost executed by the Emperor. So, there goes that dream, I guess.

Seteth: So they found out?

Alice: Yeah.

Seteth: I see... You seem exhausted. Come. Rest at the monastery.

Alice: Thank you, Seteth... I guess Garreg Mach is my home. Now, and forever...

The pair walk back to the monastery, greeted by the kind Gatekeeper.

Gatekeeper: Greetings, Sir Seteth! Nothing to report.

Seteth: Thank you, sir.

Gatekeeper: Ah, Alice is back? Wasn't she going to build her home in the Empire?

Seteth: She has been through much. Let her rest please.

Gatekeeper: Oh, of course. Apologies if I've overstepped.

Alice: It's fine. Thank you for always doing a great job, Gatekeeper.

Gatekeeper: Aww! Well, praise from Alice is rare, so I'll take it. Rest well now.


Once Alice has rested, she wanders the familiar Officer's Academy ground, smiling as she reminisces of the time she spent here. Now, the halls were filled with all sorts of new faces. After graduation last year, Nanu convinced Rhea to open the academy to all, and offer free tuition to all while offering extra courses with pay for any who want to go above and beyond. And because of this, the school had more students than ever before that they had to stop accepting any more students after they passed 100 in each house, with any extras being put on a waiting list for if a student gets expelled or for next year. She remembers the time she had as house leader, though it was rather short.

???: Ali?

Alice: Hm? Oh, Kroni. You're still here?

Kronya: Yeah. I have your brother to thank for that.

Alice: Hey, don't forget I saved your life too.

Kronya: Of course I wouldn't forget!

Alice: Hehehe. Anyway, what were doing?

Kronya: Nothing too important. I was actually going to report to Master Nanu about concerns with the Southern Church.

Alice: Ugh, tell me about it. Sounds like Edelgard is trying to hype herself up as some kind of savior.

Kronya: Mhm. I'm no believer, but even I know a threat when I see one.

Alice: Oh! Speaking of threats, I actually need to tell brother something myself!

Kronya: Why don't we go together? He should be returning from Faergheus with Lady Rhea soon.

Alice: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

After a bit of a walk around the place, they arrive at the audience chamber to meet with Nanu and Rhea.

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