Chapter 14 1.3: Divide and Conquer

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Hilda: Well, isn't this a sight? How long has it been, guys?!

Shane: Two year, five months, and 17 days, give or take. I can count the hours as well if you like.

Perse: Pfft! Leave it to Shane to keep track of the exact amount of time. And here I thought you were a bird brain.

Shane: Wanna say that again, brat?

Ignatz: This is our first time seeing each other in two years, and you two are already at each other's throats? Some things truly never change.

Raphael: Hey, c'mon you two! No fighting!

Perse: He's the one with no sense of humor.

Shane: I do, too, have a sense of humor. I just have a more mature one. Unlike you.

Perse: Say WHAT?! You cruisin' for a bruisin'?!

Rikari: That's enough you two. We don't exactly have time to be bickering.

Marianne: She's right...

Perse: He started it...!

Lysithea: Ugh... How childish.

Claude: Okay you guys, that's enough. Let's try not to rip each other's heads off.

Shane: Hmph.

Perse: Fine...

Shane Kurosaki. A commoner from Leicester who enrolled in the Golden Deer house. As far as classes go, he's a loose cannon. But one thing is for certain, he is a beast with a sword in hand. Shane and Perse are old friends, but they usually always end up arguing about the stupidest things. Despite their bickering, they do actually care about the other's wellbeing.

Rikari von Primrose. She is the daughter of a once prominent Alliance noble family who had their power stripped from them by vote from the other Alliance lords. And while they lost almost all their power, a lot of the Alliance nobles still fear them for their immense magical capabilities and commanding demeanors when at round table meetings. The only reason the Primroses haven't demanded their power back is because they don't want it anymore. Rikari is a Malig Knight, a mage on dragon-back. She has incredible magic talents, and was even offered to attend the School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad. But she refused, and instead stayed in the Alliance to learn magic from her grandmother. She also has a HUGE crush on Claude.

Lorenz: Well, why don't we be off then? I hear Sir Nanu will personally be escorting us. Ahahaha!

Leonie: Seriously? But why though?

Nanu: To be honest, I like you guys WAY more than the other two. Too much angst with them.

Claude: Woah! Uh, well, that's flattering to hear.

Perse: Wow. I thought you'd send someone else. Like...Vince.

Nanu: I would have, but he's not a Knight. So I'm here with my new squire, Kronya.

Kronya in the back bows.

Claude: Heh. Well, it's nice to know we're your favorites. But that's enough dilly dallying. Shall we?

Nanu: Yes. Let's get moving before sundown.


As the group walks through a mount pass, Nanu stops the group.

Claude: What's up?

Nanu: I sense bloodlust...

Hearing this, Claude mounts his wyvern and looks around.

Nanu: ?! Claude, get down here!

Just as Nanu shouts this a rain of arrows is let loose on the party. Claude reigns in his dragon and takes cover behind some rocks.

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