Chapter 5: The Price for Arrogance

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Rhea: Professor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for learning of the Western Church's true intentions, and bringing their crimes to light.

Byleth: What is happening to them?

Rhea: They are currently reforming, as requested by Nanu. With any hope, they will be able to return to their lives as normal.

Byleth: Edelgard told me they would be executed.

Rhea: Yes. They would have been if Nanu did not continue the interrogation and learned valuable information.

Byleth: What kind of information?

Rhea: You need not concern yourself with that. More importantly... You have seemed to masterfully wield the Sword of the Creator. That sword is the most valuable item in the Church's possession. However, due to your ability to wield it, you may hold onto it.

Seteth: WHAT?! Rhea, you cannot be serious about this! If we had a little more time, we could properly test this stranger's abilities!

Rhea: Do not worry, Seteth. I know that she will wield it justly and true.

Seteth: Rhea, if someone like Nemesis were to appear again, it could cause another war in Fódlan!

Byleth: Nemesis?

Nanu: The King of Liberation, Nemesis. He was a supposed king chosen by the Goddess to fight off wicked gods with the Sword of the Creator, but lost himself to power. Saint Seiros had to strike him down and end his reign. At least, that's what the Church tell everyone.

Byleth: You make it sound like you know more than that.

Rhea: Nanu, please. Let us not confuse the Professor with hypothetical scenarios.

Nanu: Yes Rhea, of course. I apologize. Point is, Nemesis was the original holder of that sword. However, his bloodline ended with him, since he apparently had no interest in human relationships, or with reproduction in general. All he craved after his battle against the wicked gods was war, and nothing else.

Rhea: For now, I place the sword in your capable hands, Professor. Now then, for your mission this month. The former son of a noble house has stolen his family's Hero's Relic, and we wish for you to retrieve it.

Nanu: Truth be told, your mission last month was going to be to stop this from happening in the first place, since Gautier territories have been having increased bandit activities for the last couple of months. However, with the assassination threat and grave robbery in the Mausoleum, we couldn't send you out to prevent the Relic's theft. So now your mission will be to retrieve it and return it to House Gautier.

Byleth: Why was he disowned?

Seteth: I believe it had something to do with his lack of a Crest. Such occurrences are not uncommon in the Kingdom as of late, as pitiful as that is.

Rhea: A Hero's Relic must never be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Those are unfit to wield their power will face divine judgement sooner or later.

Byleth: I see...

Rhea: You have your mission, Professor. Be sure to inform your students of this. We will also dispatch a Knight with you who knows of Faergheus territories well.

Byleth nods, and walks out of the room, talking with Sothis along the way to the Black Eagles Classroom. And after explaining the mission, it was time for lectures and lessons.


The weeks go by rather quickly, with lectures, training, and other chores that need doing around the monastery. And after everything, on her days off, you can Byleth practicing with the Sword of the Creator. Surprisingly, she felt natural about wielding it. It felt like something was missing from it though. Unlike Catherine's weapon, there was hole at the sword's hilt. Like something should be there. Like a stone, or something. Either way, there was no time to think about that. It was time for their monthly mission. Byleth had went out of her way to ask Sylvain to join her house, to which he agreed rather quickly. No need for convincing at all.

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