C Support Conversation: Shez + Alice

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Shez: Hm? Is that Alice? Why is she training so late at night?

Alice: Phew... That should be enough for today.

Shez: Hey Alice. What are you doing up so late?

Alice: Hm? Oh, you know. Just getting some training in. I just finished actually.

Shez: I also saw you here during the afternoon.

Alice: Yup. I start my training here as soon as lectures are finished for the day.

Shez: Now that you mention it, I didn't see you in the dining hall at all today. You weren't still here during dinner, were you?

Alice: I stopped by to get my meal, then came back to eat here.

Shez: But why?

Alice: You haven't been hearing the whispers about me?

Shez: ...not really.

Alice: Well then, I'll tell you. On the first day of school, some noble brat was picking a fight with me. Said something about bullying me until I leave the monastery.

Shez: What? People like that exist here?

Alice: They exist everywhere, yes. Even in my old home... But anyway, I got sick of the dude and punched him in the lower jaw, sending him flying into the fishing pond. Actually, now that I remember correctly, I sent him way past the fishing pond...

Shez: So you're telling me you sent a noble guy flying clear over the fishing pond in a single PUNCH?!

Alice: Sure did. Ever since then, people started distancing themselves from me. I'm now known as "that violently strong girl who punched a noble's son". And I'm probably always going to be remembered that way until I finally leave this place.

Shez: That reminds me... How long have you been in the monastery?

Alice: Since I was a little girl. Lady Rhea found me and my family out in Kingdom territory while visiting, and took us all back to the monastery. She gave us a place to stay, a place to call home. But even though it's our home, I still wish to leave this place at some point. Not because I'm sick of it here, or that I developed some distrust toward Lady Rhea, but so I won't be a burden to them and gain my independence. Like getting a job, finding a lover, build a house for us, and grow old my lover... And I can't have that sort of life if I stay here my whole life.

Shez: Wow. It sounds like you got your future planned out.

Alice: Not really. It's probably just a fantasy...

Shez: By the way, when this punching thing happen?

Alice: Uhh, about when I was 7. The noble was 10 years older than me too.

Shez: ...?!

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