Chapter 19: Rebellion in the West

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Felix: Your Majesty. We spotted a force trying to obstruct our progress.

Dimitri: I see. We will charge straight ahead and push them back.

Felix: You can't be serious...

Azura: Your Majesty, if I may? I don't believe it would be wise to throw ourselves at the enemy so exhaustively. We will simply wear ourselves out.

Dimitri: Oh? Hmm... I suppose that is wise advice...

Kyoki: C'mon Azu. Sometimes it's not about winning. It's about—

Azura: It's about sending a message, I am aware. But if we lose, there will be no message to send. What if we can win the battle, AND send a message?

Kyoki: Ooh, I like that idea...~!

Annette: Ooh, here comes one of Azura's amazing strategies...! What do we do, House Leader?!

Azura: The plan is simple. We will send a smaller force forward to meet the obstructing force. However, our main force will flank behind and crush them.

Ashe: Harsh... But effective.

Lorenz: I like this one.

Sylvain: That's Azura for ya. She's got a mind like a steel trap...

Mercedes: Let us finish this quickly, then. The sooner we handle this rebellion, the better for everyone.

Dimitri: I agree. Azura, who will be in the decoy force?

Azura: About that Your Majesty. Since they would likely ignore our force, it needs to have you in it.

Dimitri: So I am to play the decoy...

Dedue: Azura. You know I will not—

Azura: I am aware. Which is why you will be with him every step of the way.

Dedue: I see...

Azura: However, we need to split our forces correctly. Too little, and Dimitri will be danger, but too much and our sneaking force will be too small to be effective.

Felix: So we need to split up evenly and crush the enemy from both sides. Right. What were your ideas?

Azura: I was thinking you can come with me, Felix. Since their main goal will be trying to kill Dimitri, we need a heavy hitter like you with me. Our friends from Leicester will also be with me, with the exception of Lorenz.

Lorenz: Why must I stay behind?

Azura: No particular reason. Anyway, Mercedes and Sylvain will also stay with Dimitri. Calvary is essential, and of course we need to keep a medic near you at all times should they push harder than anticipated. Lastly, I want Ingrid to stay with Dimitri to scout enemy positions.

Ingrid: What if I get shot at by archers?

Azura: It's unlikely they will have any. This is a force of mainly Agarthans, so they will be heavily magic focused. And besides that, if they do have archers, I know you can evade.

Dedue: I see... I thank you for your consideration. It seems you really do have His Majesty's safety in mind.

Azura: Of course. After all, without him, there is no Kingdom. Now then, to finish up the teams, Saikoa and Kyoki will be with me, while Annette and Ashe will be with Dimitri. In short, that means Dimitri's decoy army will consist of himself, Dedue, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Lorenz, Ashe, and Sylvain. Meanwhile, my force will be me, Kyoki, Saikoa, Felix, Leonie, Ignatz, and Raphael.

Felix: Not much of an even split if we're down a man.

Azura: There's nothing we can do about that, I'm afraid. Either way, this will be more than enough. We were meant to be a smaller force anyway. Now then, let us crush these rebels and get to Rowe Territory to give that Count a piece of our minds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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