Chapter 15: Unification

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The next morning came. And as one could imagine, the atmosphere was tense. Edelgard was glaring at Dimitri, Dimitri was glaring at Claude, and Claude, well, he was being Claude.

Claude: What's with the death glares?

Dimitri: You mean to say you do not know what transpired yesterday, Claude?

Edelgard: You're one to talk, Dimitri.

Nanu: Calm down you three. I have an explanation for you all.

Claude: That's right. You said you explain something to us?

Nanu: Yes. But first, I just want to confirm what happened yesterday. Edelgard, you were attacked by Kingdom soldiers led by a girl named Amira, correct?

Edelgard: Yes, that is correct.

Nanu: Dimitri. You were ambushed by Alliance soldiers on your way here led by a girl called Kagari?

Dimitri: Indeed. Are you saying that all three of us were attacked on that day?

Claude: Well, I know what happened to me, yesterday.

Nanu: That's right. In the mountains, Claude's group was suddenly attacked by Empire soldiers.

Edelgard: That's impossible. I issued no such order.

Dimitri: Nor did I to attack the Empire.

Claude: Aside from the attacks... Nanu, you said the leader who attacked us in the mountain pass was your mom, right?

Nanu: Yes.

Dimitri: If I recall, Lady Athena and Azura made a similar claim about the girl who attacked us, calling this "Kagari" their little sister.

Edelgard: Alice and Amu made similar claims as well. Care to explain, Nanu?

Nanu: I don't have all the details yet. all deserve to know the truth about me. And my family.

Claude: Alright. I'm listening.

Nanu: Edelgard already knows. But I am the same as Tomas. Not evil, though. We just share ancestry. I am, what they call themselves, an Agarthan. The original peoples of Fódlan forced to live under the earth's surface as consequences for our horrid actions in Fódlan's ancient history.

Claude: That's...not quite what I was expecting.

Dimitri: Azura had told me the same thing a year prior. So it is true.

Nanu: It is. My people aided Nemesis in the War of Heroes, led by a man known as Epimenides who has since passed. Cut down by Saint Seiros's blade.

Dimitri: So. Are you taking on the form of another man yourself?

Nanu: I am not. This is my true self.

Claude: Edelgard, you know more about these guys than we do. Why don't you shed some light for us?

Edelgard: My uncle, Lord Arundel, the Empire's Regent, had been replaced by one of these Agarthans about 9 years ago.

Dimitri: 9 years... Then that means...

Edelgard: Correct. The man you called your step uncle was just an impostor.

Nanu: Amongus.

Edelgard: He was the man who murdered your father in Duscur all those years ago, Dimitri.

Dimitri: ...

Nanu: Arundel is no more. Now, he is only Thales, since Edelgard's coup two years past drove him out of Enbarr. But he's beginning to make a resurgence. And using my family as puppets.

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