Chapter 18: Almyra Strikes Again

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Claude: Why are the Almyrans mounting such a massive force?!

???: We aren't sure. But we have also heard reports of a bounty hunter among their forces. It would seem Prince Shahid of Almyra has placed a bounty of your head, my lord.

Claude: Just for me, huh? I'd be honored if it was for anything BUT a bounty... What do we know about this bounty hunter, Holst?

Holst: Not much. But from what our scouts gathered, she is a rather sharp shooter with a bow and arrow, and that her bow seems to let off a holy glow.

Claude: A holy glow? Like a Hero's Relic?

Holst: No. It's different. The aura it emits is blue in color, rather than red. Like a weapon that one of the Four Saints would wield.

Claude: I see... And you say it glows? Which means she has a corresponding Crest. She could be a descendant of Saint Indech. He was famous for his bow skills.

Holst: Not likely. Her bow does not match the design of Indech's "Inexhaustible" bow.

Claude: So what Crest does she have...?!

Soldier: General Holst! Lord Riegan! It would seem the Almyrans on the on move! They're mounting a head on assault!

Claude: Already...?!

Holst: Perhaps they're feeling confident with their new bounty hunter. We will meet their assault and defend the locket!

Claude: Hilda, ask Nanu to send reinforcements!

Hilda: Understood, Claude!

Hilda rushes onto her dragon, and begins to fly off, while Claude and Rikari prepare to fend off Almyra together with Holst.

Holst: Kronya was your name? Can you fight?

Kronya: I can. What's our battle plan?

Holst: If we can take out their commander, perhaps Nadar will be willing to listen to our negotiations and stop these pointless attacks.

Kronya: Stab and kill the princey guy? Got it.

Holst: Mind that you do not kill our leader!

Kronya: I won't!

Almyra's army was massive. Quite possibly 5 times the size of what the Alliance had at the moment.

Claude: If we can hold off the Almyrans until Hilda arrives with reinforcements, we'll be in a much better position to negotiate with them. All forces, take defensive positions and don't let them through the Locket!

???: Hmm. That's a lot of soldiers. If I were a mercenary, I'd be earning my pay. But as a bounty hunter, my job is to kill this Claude guy. I'll sit back and let each side kill each other and let Claude come to me.

The white haired bounty hunter woman sits atop her horse, holding her bow that glowed with a holy aura (design wise, it's the Viridescent Hunt from Genshin Impact).

???: You ready to go dragon hunting, Daisy?

The horse, known as Daisy, whinnies in approval.

The Almyrans we pushing hard, trying their damnedest to break through Fódlan's Locket, but with Holst's knowledge of the lands and Claude's clever battle strategies, it was near impossible for the already demoralized Almyrans to even get close. Seeing that his bounty hunter wasn't taking any action, Prince Shahid flies over to her.

Shahid: You! Nina! What are you doing?! Why are you just sitting here and not hunting?!

Nina: Only a fool rushes into a battle with no hope of winning. Besides, my job is hunt Claude, not nameless Alliance soldiers. That's YOUR job.

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