C Support Conversation: Perse + Lysithea

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Perse: Mm! Ya know, I don't give enough credit to these bakeries! The pastries they make are to DIE for! Om nom nom nom!

Lysithea: Perse? What are you doing out here in town?

Perse: Mmff? Hwey Lyphifia.

Lysithea: Ugh?! Please swallow your food before you talk!

Perse: Oh, sowwy! *gulps loudly* Hey Lysithea. What brings you to town?

Lysithea: I could ask you the same.

Perse: I was visiting this bakery. I heard their pastries are amazing, and they really are.

Lysithea: I-I see. Then perhaps I'll need to sample them some time.

Perse: ...you've been here before, haven't you?

Lysithea: I-I have not! Only a child would waste their time buying sweets!

Perse: Right right right, you're not a child, blah blah blah. I've heard this every single day since you came to the academy. But ya know, you don't have to worry too much small things like this. Adults eat sweets too.

Lysithea: Well, yes, of course I know that!

Perse: So, you want some? I've got plenty, and I don't normally share.

Lysithea: I-I'm not hungry! I just ate!

*stomach growl*

Perse: Right. Okay then. Well, see you at the monastery then.

Lysithea: W-Wait! I've changed my mind!

Perse: Sorry, you missed your chance. Like I said, I don't share often.

Lysithea: Wha—?! Hey! Come back here! I said wait!

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