Chapter 8: Coup in Enbarr

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Edelgard's group had to take a rather unconventional route to the capital Enbarr. After all, word of Edelgard's march on Enbarr has likely reached the palace by now, considering how resourceful and cunning Arundel has been for the past 5 years. He probably had scouts out on the road. Or, you know, the Knights of Seiros likely gave them away. They're aren't exactly a small group of warriors and knights. Them traveling is sure to make headlines.

In a matter of two days, the rag tag group had managed to get into close proximity of the palace. It was here where Edelgard explained her plan to everybody.

Edelgard: It is time.

Alice: So what, do we actually have a plan here?

Hubert: Of course we do. You think us so simple as to not have one?

Alice: Actually, yes.

Monica: Your lack of faith in Lady Edelgard's talents are appalling. And you call yourself a Black Eagle?

Alice: Sorry for having a completely reasonable amount of doubt about how a bunch of students are going to beat mobs upon mobs of highly trained soldiers. And for the record, there are plenty of other students in our house who don't Simp for Edelgard as much as you and Hubert do.

Perse: I'm only here cuz I wanna learn from Professor Byleth. I couldn't care less about Edelgard.

Lysithea: I am much the same.

Monica: To think so many students in the Black Eagles don't know of Lady Edelgard's greatness...!

Alice: Oh my god, try to keep your panties dry for the battle! Your thirst is really starting to make me question whether or not you'll actually be useful.

Edelgard: Rest assured, Alice, Monica is a very gifted mage.

Alice: Hearing that from you doesn't exactly make me feel any better.

Dorothea: I think we should stop chatting and start going over that plan that Edie mentioned?

Hoshi: Yes, please. Shut up.

Alice: Fine. So what are we doing? How is a bunch of students and couple of former mercenaries gonna take on the Imperial Army?

Edelgard: We will enter the Palace through the rear entrance. From there, we locate Lord Arundel and Duke Aegir. The Duke is likely in the throne room. As for Arundel, he will show himself in time. And once he does, we will capture him.

Monica: An excellent operation, Lady Edelgard.

Alice: Excellently basic.

Hubert: Do you have another suggestion?

Alice: Nah. I'm more of the "bust through the door and kill everything in sight" kind of fighter. So if you wanna stick to your little game of hide and seek, go ahead. Just don't expect me to play with you. Mostly because I don't wanna take orders from you.

Monica: The nerve...!

Byleth: Alice. We must cooperate.

Alice: ...yes Professor.

Shez: So we're going to be invading the Imperial Palace? I did not see this coming.

Byleth: We get this started then.

Dorothea: The Professor is right. You can hear them scrambling from here.

Monica: Lead the way, Your Highness! Oh, and make sure to keep her safe, Hubert. You know every square inch of the place, after all.

Hubert: Just be sure don't fall prey to your own distractions.

Edelgard: These villains have had free run of my house for too long. Today, I take it all back!

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