Chapter 6: Abducted by "Death"

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Rhea: Greetings Professor. It is time we beginning speaking about the mission for this-

Seteth: Rhe— Archbishop! Captain Nanu! Have you seen Flayn anywhere?!

For those out of the loop, and since I (the author) completely overlooked some bits of the story, Flayn is Seteth's younger sister. Though the seeming age gap is very apparent, that is the story they choose to go by. Seteth worries over Flayn excessively, almost like an overbearing father protecting his daughter.

Rhea: Seteth? Whatever is the matter? We have not seen Flayn.

Seteth: Professor, have you seen Flayn anywhere?!

Byleth: I have not.

Seteth: Oh no... No...!

Nanu: Calm down, friend. Panicking will only make things worse.

Rhea: It would seem we have a new mission this month. We must find Flayn at all costs. And swiftly.

Nanu: Swift as the wind, they say. I'll get Athena on the job. If anyone can find a missing person, it's her.

Seteth: ......

Rhea: Do not worry too much, Seteth. You and Flayn are like family to me. We will find her.

Seteth: Thank you...Rhea...

Nanu: I'll deploy the Knights to search the town around the monastery.

Rhea: I pray to the Goddess to watch over Flayn until she safely returned to us...


Edelgard: So our mission this month is search for Flayn?

Hubert: Seteth must be beside himself.

Shez: Is it possible she ran away?

Hoshi: Well, with an older brother like Seteth, I wouldn't blame her.

Yoshi: Hey, mister Seteth is super nice! ...when he wants to be...

Alice: It's unlikely she left the monastery. Somebody would've seen her leave. But maybe we should ask the Gatekeeper. He'd know if she left.

Perse: Yeah. I saw her just the other day at the fishing pond when I was leaving for the town. I asked if she wanted to come with, but she said she was content watching the fishes swim. So it must have happened fairly recently.

Shez: The knights are looking everywhere for her. It's almost hard to watch.

Edelgard: Whatever the case, we should leave no stone unturned. Let us find Flayn, and quickly.

The days pass by, yet there is no sign of Flayn anywhere in the monastery. Seteth is getting paler by the day. It was almost hard to watch. As Byleth searched and asked around the monastery, she happens across Shez speaking with on of the knights. A lavender haired woman in the attire of a Mortal Savant.

Shez: Hm? Professor!

Byleth walks over to the pair, and joins their conversation.

???: Ah, you must be that new Professor everyone is talking about. It's a shame we had to meet under such conditions.

Byleth: You are...?

???: Ah, where are my manners? My name is Athena, and I'm the head of the Knights of Seiros's Detective Squad.

Byleth: The Knights also have detectives?

Athena: Well, not until I came around. Right now it's just me and Shamir, but Alice says she'll join when she graduates.

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