Sub Chapter: The Fall of Adrestia

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(Context: Nanu invites Edelgard to peace negotiations to avoid war, and Edelgard looks to Shez for help in making her decision.)

Shez: No way. We've come this far, and we won't be swayed so easily.

Nanu: Guess I overestimated your intelligence. Oh well. Whatever happens, just know that you brought this upon yourself.

Nanu takes a step back and teleports away to his pegasus, Dallas.

Monica: He can teleport too?!

Hubert: He is an Agarthan. It's likely he has adept in many kinds of magic.

In the forest, Nanu mounts Dallas.

Nanu: Not the best grave. But for violent warmongers like you, this will be fitting.

Edelgard: ...? Do you all hear that?

Monica: Hear...?

Monica listened closely, and soon, she could hear it too.

Monica: Meteor shower!

As soon as the group realized what was happening, crashing could be heard outside as magic meteors rain from the sky, wiping out Edelgard's entire army of 100,000 soldiers in a single attack. The streets and homes of Fort Merceus were reduced to rubble.

Edelgard: Retreat!

Nanu: You think you can run? Sorry. But this is where you die.

From the corners of the streets the group of 4 were retreating on, Amu jumps out and pulls Monica into the shadows.

Monica: You Maje-!

Edelgard stops for a brief moment upon Monica's call, only to see she is gone.

Shez: Look out!

Amu appears behind Edelgard, rage and bloodlust in her eyes as her strike is blocked by Shez.

Amu: You made your choice... Now suffer the consequences...!

Amu jumps over Shez to get at Edelgard, but is soon knocked away thanks to Hubert. Amu retreats into the darkness once again as the trio continue trying to make an escape.

Shez: I thought he came alone!

Hubert: It seems he tricked us...!

Edelgard: No, he didn't trick us. He simply made more preparations!

Nanu: There is no way out. Do it.

Athena: Fire everything you've got!

A rain of massive arrows start to bombard the three, as well as giant fire balls.

Edelgard: The ballistas and fire orbs...! When did he-?!

A massive fire ball was about to land right on Edelgard, but Hubert pushes her away by jumping forward, getting burnt to an actual crisp. His agonized scream was all that could be heard.

Athena: You made your choice. Now SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!

Edelgard: Hubert! No...!!

Shez: We don't have time to stop! Let's keep moving!

The now pair begin running again, and spot a wide open gate.

Shez: We're almost out!!

Suddenly it slams shut just as they were about to exit. Standing at the door controls up above was Alice. She jumps down to stop them from running in the opposite direction, holding her scythe.

Shez: Alice... Why...?!

Alice: You made your choice. Now suffer the consequences.

Shez: Not you too...

Alice: I won't repeat myself.

Edelgard: Alice, plea-!

Just as Edelgard was about to plead, a thin shot of magic flies through the air, sniping her right between her eyes. With wide eyes, the now late Emperor falls backwards, dead.

Shez: Edelgard!!

Nanu lands on the group, a grim look on his face.

Nanu: Remember. I gave you your choice. And you must suffer the consequences.

Shez, losing her employer, falls to her knees in defeat, dropping her swords. Once the realization hit her, tears well up in her eyes as Alice steps forward, raising her scythe.

Shez: This is...all my...-


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