Part 3

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Looking to the young man next to me, I realize he's already looking at my cheek. "It's from my last mission, like I said, I'll be okay." I state looking back at the lake. "That was close." Obi-wan sighs.

"Weapons down!" a battle droid says pointing a gun at us. I turn with Obi-wan to look at the droid. "I said drop your weapons!" It yells again as I light my saber and cut the droid in half. "Let's get going, we don't have much time." Qui-Gon sighs beginning to move through the city towards the palace. 

We reach a huge stone wall that leads to the Palace Gardens and most likely our only way into the Palace. "Here, I'll help you up." Obi-wan says placing his hands on my waist to help lift me over the fence. "Don't use the force when you jump, it'll give away our position." I state sitting half over the wall to assist the other three over the wall. "You're definitely proving your skills Esther." Qui-Gon praises as we all move towards a bridge. "Watch this." I grin hopping off the bridge and destroying a group of battle droids before Obi-wan and Qui-Gon can join me. 

Looking at Qui-Gon, he introduces us to the Queen, her handmaids, Bibble, and her security. "Your Majesty, we are ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor." Qui-Gon states. "Your negotiations seem to have failed." Bibble states. "Negotiations never took place, we must make contact with the republic." I state causing Bibble and the Queen to look at one another confused. "They've knocked out all our communications." the head of security says stepping forward. "Do you have any transport?" Obi-wan asks. "Yea, this way." The Captain says leading us towards a Bay. 

Captain cracks open a side door to the central hanger. Qui-Gon looks in over his shoulder blocking the view from everyone else crouched behind the two. In the distance alarms begin to sound and I make eye contact with Obi-wan. 

"There are too many of them." Captain says looking to Master Qui-Gon. "That won't be a problem. Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us." Qui-Gon states.  "Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people." The Queen replies not budging on her decision. "They will kill you if you stay." I tell the Queen looking at her carefully. "They wouldn't dare." Bibble rushes out. "They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her." Captain says agreeing with Bibble.

"The situation here is not what it seems. There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you." Qui-Gon states almost pleading the Queen to join us. "Please, Your Highness, reconsider. Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us... Senator Palpatine will need your help." Bibble sighs wanting the Queen to go. "Getting past their blockade is impossible, Your Highness. Any attempt to escape will be dangerous." Captain says against the idea. "Your Highness, I will stay here and do what I can...They will have to retain the Council of Governors in order to maintain control. But you must leave..." Bibble decides causing the Queen to look at him nervously.

"Either choice presents a great all of us..." the Queen says fighting in her mind for the right thing to do. "We are brave, Your Highness." one of her Handmaids tell the Queen while nodding her head. "If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now." Qui-Gon says trying to move the situation along. "Then, I will plead our case before the Senate. Be careful, Governor." The Queen sighs looking to Bibble. 

The door opens to the main hanger and we all enter heading for a sleek chrome spacecraft. "We need to free those pilots." Captain points to several guards, crew and pilots held in a corner by battle droids. "I'll take care of that." Obi-wan says heading to the group. Meanwhile, the rest of us begin walking to the spacecraft. "Where are you going?" a battle droid questions looking at Qui-Gon. "I'm Ambassador for the Supreme Chancellor, and I'm taking those people to Coruscant." He answers. "You're under arrest!" The droid draws his weapon, but before any of them can fire, they are cut down. Obi-wan then destroys the droids surrounding the pilots and they begin to make their way to the spacecraft as Obi-wan, Qui-Gon, and I deflect the laser bolts. "Esther, Obi-wan! Get on the ship!" Qui-Gon calls out.

Within seconds, we are all on the spacecraft and take off. "Jedi Esther, your arm is injured." The Queen notices as I look to see blood trickling down my arm. "It's nothing that won't heal." I reply with a soft smile. "Padme, please patch her wound. Take great care." The Queen demands of her handmaid. 

Quickly I follow the young Handmaid as she exits the room. "Esther! When she's done, go get some rest. I know you haven't slept in a while." Qui-Gon says before turning back to Obi-wan. The ship jolts several times but I know Qui-Gon and Obi-wan have things under control. "Here is a new top. It isn't much, but it'll allow me to clean all your wounds." Padme says handing me a tank top. 

Once I have the tank top on I move back to sit on the bed in front of the young girl. "I know your secret." I reply with a soft smile. I notice her hands shake slightly. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It's just the way the Queen looks to you when she's unsure of what to do." I say softly. "She has been very good to me." Padme states cleaning the wound on my arm. "Yes, and I'm sorry this has happened to you all. It must be hard knowing your people are suffering." I reply looking at the wound she was cleaning. "Yes, I sometimes think I may be too young to be in this position." Padme admits as she grabs something to wrap my arm. "Well, I believe you are doing amazing given the circumstances." I tell her with a smile. "Thank you. I have something that will help with your bruises as well if you don't mind me putting it on you." Padme offers with a soft smile. "Thank you." I reply allowing her to place the cream on my bruises. 

When she puts the remaining cream and bandages away I look down at my hands. "The bruises should go away in a day or two. But as Jedi Master Qui-Gon requested, you should get some sleep." Padme says softly. "I will, thank you." I reply before walking out of the room and into a small room and I sit in a corner wrapping myself up in Obi-wan's Jedi Robe he handed me. "You know the Queen gave us a room, and there's a bed you can sleep on rather than the floor right?" Obi-wan asks crouching before me. "I didn't, but I don't want to intrude on their space." I reply softly not opening my eyes. "Well she might be more upset if you don't take her offer." Obi-wan sighs. "We are landing in Tatooine, we have a part that was destroyed and it must be fixed before we can get to Coruscant." he states sitting next to me.

Opening my eyes, I look at the young man who was now looking at his hands. "You don't like this idea much do you?" I ask curiously. "No, but it's our best chance, the Hutts aren't looking for the Queen so we have the upper hand on Tatooine." Obi-wan sighs. "Qui-Gon knows what he's doing, I mean he trained you after all and you seem to have turned out just fine." I state with a smile directed at the young man. "Thank you, I just wish we could've negotiated and avoided this entire ordeal." he replies shaking his head with a chuckle. "Well, nothing is ever as easy as it seems." I reply laying my head on his shoulder. "Have you slept recently?" I ask closing my eyes once more. "Not in the past day. I should get some rest too." He replies leaning his head against my own. Without realizing it, the two of us drift off into a peaceful slumber leaning on one another for support.

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