Part 16

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It's been two months since the twins were born. I began training again with Obi-wan and the other masters. "Master Callridge!" I hear a voice call out. Turning I find Sirra rushing over out of breath. "Sirra, is everything okay?" I ask confused. I sense her feelings all jumbled together but fear stands prominent. "I-I don't know. Marcus, he went on a mission and I haven't heard from him in days." she sighs. 

Looking at the poor girl I motion for her to walk with me. "Well I do believe we were going to try contacting him about his mission anyways, why don't you come along." I state. "What's going on with his mission?" Sirra asks curiously. "Well it was just a boarder dispute, but with everything that has been going on recently, they'd like to add a little more security. So the Prime Minister of Janoleum asked to have Marcus stay a little longer." I reply entering the council chambers. 

"Master Callridge, Apprentice Sirra." Master Yoda welcomes. "Masters." I reply with a smile gracing my face. "Sirra, we have actually been speaking. We would like you to assist Apprentice Marcus. The two of you are skilled Jedi, but the Prime Minister has requested more security." Master Windu states. "Yes, Master. When would I leave?" Sirra asks as I look at Obi-wan confused. "You would leave as soon as possible." Master Plo states. "May the force be with you." Master Yoda says allowing Sirra to leave. 

"Master Callridge, great confusion I sense in you." Master Yoda states as I look across the room. "I thought things with the Prime Minister were dying down finally." I state. "They were, this morning there were three attempts on his life." Master Plo states. "Okay, that makes more sense now." I reply leaning back in my chair. "We have been talking about sending you on a mission as well." Master Shaak Ti states. "Where to?" I ask excitedly. "Negotiations on Kalliama have been going no where. They requested a Jedi to come force a decision or make one themselves. You have proven to be very wise in negotiations." Master Windu states. "Okay, I'm guessing I leave now too?" I ask excited to go somewhere. "Yes, be careful, and my the force be with you." Master Gallia smiles. 

Rushing over to my ship I hop on and get into the cockpit. Smiling to myself I begin the trip to Kalliama. The planet it beautiful, almost like Naboo, the ocean sits right outside the Palace and the city overlooks the ocean as well. The other side of the city and Palace is a huge Jungle wiith thousands of creatures. 

I attempt to contact the Palace several times to no avail. As I fly my speeder closer to the Palace i notice hundreds of battle droids marching through the city. Quickly I fly away before they can spot me and I land in a small field contacting the council. "Master Callridge, we weren't expecting to see you again so soon." Master Yoda states. "I'm afraid this is another Naboo situation. There are thousands of battle droids throughout the city and flooding into the Palace." I state. "Send both your apprentices to you we will. Master Gallia will be there shortly as well." Master Yoda says before the comlink begins cutting in and out. "They are blocking o-" before I can finish my sentence the communication goes down completely.

Sighing to myself I begin making my way to the Palace. "Why can't they stop using invasions to force decisions." I grumble to myself as I quietly maneuver through the jungle. I trip over a root and quickly notice a camp of people. Many of whom look like refugees. "Who are you and what reason do you have for invading our home?" A man with a sword spits at me. "Actually I'm here to help, the Jedi Council sent me in to help with negotiations but I'm assuming that's no longer an option." I reply pulling myself off the ground. 

The man nods his head and leads me to the Queen. "Your Majesty, the Jedi has arrived." he states as we bow before the beautiful Queen. "What is your plan?" She asks me curiously. "Well, I thought it was just negotiations until I got here." I sigh. "Commander, get her a map of the castle and the city. Our army will follow whatever plan the three of us can come up with." She states loud enough for the sergeants and captains nearby to hear. 

Standing around a table, we have a holograph of the city and Castle. "My apprentices and Master Gallia will be here shortly to assist." I inform the Queen. "Okay. So there are battle droids throughout the city. If we can distract them there, we may be able to get into the Palace." the Commander states. "No, it's too close. Is there a large field nearby we can use?" I ask. "Yes, it's to the South of the city." the Queen answers. "Okay, we draw them out over there. All but the three of us, my Apprentices, Master Gallia, and twelve soldiers will go. The three of us will go through this entrance while the rest will come in over here as a distraction. They will be focused on this enough to allow us to get to the throne room." I state. "Okay, perfect. I'll send the soldiers out now, it should give the other Jedi enough time to get here, inform them of the plan, and have most battle droids out of the city and Palace." the Commander states moving away. 

After a few moments I feel a shift in the force informing me that Marcus, Sirra, and Adi were all nearby. "Master Callridge, your Jedi are here. Shall we get moving?" Commander asks. "We will explain the plan first, then we shall go." I state following him to the three familiar faces. "Master." Sirra and Marcus bow. "Come, I have lots to explain and not a lot of time." I state walking towards the holograph of the city and Palace. 

Quickly I explain the plan and we make our way to the Palace with the Queen, Commander, and the twelve selected soldiers. "Okay, this is where we split up." I state as we come up behind the Palace. "Be careful. They're smarter than you think." I warn my apprentices. 

With on last glance at the three we begin to move towards the throne room. "There are some battle droids in the hall, I can take them out quickly." I state looking into the window. "Okay, here's the entrance." Commander states opening the door silently. 

Sneaking in I slice all the droids before any realize we are here. "Okay, we have to move quickly, if anyone finds this they'll know we are here." I whisper before we run down the hall. Hiding behind pillars I glance around and down the hall to see the Guneray speaking to a hooded figure. "Darth Stah will arrive shortly. Until then make sure they make no advance towards the Palace." the Hooded figure says. "Already done, the droids are fighting them in a field to the South of the city as we speak." Guneray states proudly. "Very good. Don't disappoint me like the Viceroy did in Naboo." he grumbles.  

Another Sith, so he must be the Master Sith lord we have been looking for. I notice the hologram turn off and I look down the hall and see a laser flasher pointing at us. I then see Master Gallia, my two Apprentices, and only a few of the twelve soldiers. Shaking my head, I silently tell her not to show themselves. "Send all forces to the battle. We no longer need their services here." the Guneray announces as he makes his way to the thrown room and the droids all begin exiting the Palace. 

Only a few moments later, we all convene in the hall before making our way to the thrown room. "Guneray,  you are under arrest for treason against the Republic." Master Gallia states. "Oh, but he's not." a female voice states behind us. "Let me introduce myself as Darth Stah." she states. 

I look to see a young woman around the same age as myself. "What do you want?" I ask with narrowed eyes. "I want Kalliama for my Master, and I want all of you dead." She states confidently. "I hate to break it to you, but that won't be happening today." I reply with a smirk. I drop my Jedi robe and pull out my purple lightsaber as she lights her red saber. "How about we make this a little more entertaining, just you against me." Darth Stah suggests. "How about we skip this and you leave?" Marcus suggests next. "Aw, what a pity. It's a shame all of you will be dead soon." She sates confidently. "That's where you're sorely mistaken." I repy.

The girl makes the first move lunging at me with her saber out to which I use the force to push her away. This only makes her angrier as she then charges at Sirra who quickly deflects her hits. "You won't win this." Master Gallia states as we surround the Sith. "I will die before leaving here empty handed." she yells angrily. "Very well then." Master Gallia states. 

For what feels like hours, we fight hard against the Sith one at a time to tire her out. Sirra slips up and Darth Stah pushes her lightsaber through her chest. There on the floor lay her lifeless body. Eyes staring into my soul.

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