Part 27

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The shield door drops away, and my ship crashes on the deck of the hangar bay, engulfed in a fantail of sparks. A set of blast doors starts slamming shut across the hangar opening, as material is sucked into space.

Anakin, Obi-wan, and Marcus maneuver around the oncoming junk and flies into the hangar just as the blast doors slam shut.

I ignites my light saber and cut my way out of the cockpit. Then jumps dear just as my ship explodes. Battle droids rush over as I land on the hard ground.

"R2, locate the Chancellor." Obi-wan orders. "Tap into the ship's computers." Anakin adds helping me fight off the droids. They cut down the last of the droids and follow R2 over to a computer wall socket.

Meanwhile, Marcus and I fight off Four more droids as R2 tries to find the Chancellor. Finally, a hologram of the Trade Federation ship appears. "The Chancellor's signal is coming from right there. The observation platform at the top of that spire." I state.

"I sense Count Dooku . . ." Marcus grumbles. "I sense a trap." Obi-wan states. "Next move?" Anakin asks. Looking to Obi-wan I grin "Spring the trap." I smile.

As we begin to move, R2 starts to follow. "R2, go back. I need you to stay with the ship." Anakin states. "Here, take this, and wait for orders." Obi-wan states as he tosses the comlink to R2.

We head for the elevator as a door opens in the hallway and two strange droids confront the four of us. "General Callridge. We've been waiting for you." One states as the three men hide as planned. "I'm here to relieve you of Chancellor Palpatine, not join him." I smile.

As a dozen more droids join the group, I light my lightsaber standing ready to attack the droids knowing the three will follow orders and leave me be. Once I'm sure they won't appear I lower my weapon and surrender. Explosions rattle the ship as the sound of shield doors opening and closing rattles throughout the hallway behind the droids.

"We will escort you to Count Dooku who will be please with your surrender." The first droid states picking up my lightsaber and handcuffing me. We flow through many halls before entering a large room.

"Master Callridge it's a pleasure to see you once again." Count Dooku states coming into my view. "What do you want Dooku?" I ask trying to move this along. "I want you and your apprentice to come to the dark side. Once you come, Obi-wan will follow suit as will Anakin Skywalker." Count Dooku states cheerfully. "I regret to inform you, that will not be happening." I state.

The Count walks around me carefully before landing a punch to my face and another to my stomach. I look at the man as blood seeps out my nose. "I will never give you that satisfaction." I reply as the elevator door opens and reveals the three me carefully making their way into the main room of the General's Quarters.

At the far end sits Chancellor Palpatine who they walk over to as Obi-wan looks at me worriedly. As they get closer to Palpatime, they see a very distressed look on the Chancellor's face. "Chancellor." Obi-wan and Anakin bow. "Are you all right?" Marcus asks concerned. "Count Dooku." Palpatine sighs quietly sending a sympathetic glance my way.

"This time we will do it together." Obi-wan says quietly as I slip my hands out of the cuffs quietly. "I was about to say that." Anakin replies. Dooku jumps down to the main level leaving me on the floor above.

"Get help! You're no match for him. He's a Sith Lord." Palpatine calls out. "Chancellor Palpatine, Sith Lords are our specialty." Obi-wan sighs turning to the Chancellor. The three men throw off their cloaks and ignite their lightsabers.

"Your swords, please, Master Jedi. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor." Dooku states as he circles the three while I attempt to force my lightsaber into my hand.

"You won't get away this time, Dooku." Marcus states as the three circle the Sith Lord. "I've been looking forward to this." Dooku grins. "My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Anakin remarks as I roll my eyes at the two boys.

"Good. Twice the pride, double the fall." Dooku replies with a grin. Dooku lunges at the three and they fall back . . . "Your moves are clumsy, Kenobi . . . too predictable. You'll have to do better." Dooku states as I prepare to jump down and join the fight.

As the battle proceeds, Obi-wan and Dooku appear to become tired. Anakin and Marcus grow stronger as they becomes angry. Marcus continues to drive the attack on Dooku.

As I jump down, throws me back using the Force.
The four move up the stairs. As they reach the upper landing of the General's Quarters, Marcus leaps over Count Dooku. As I reach the top of the stairs, destroying two super battle droids. Count Dooku holds Obi-wan in the air using the Force as he turns and kicks Anakin and Marcus to the side.

Dooku sends Obi-wan flying. I watch as he tumbles to the lower level unconscious. Count Dooku spins around again and, using the Force, causes a section of the balcony to drop onto Obi-wan.I then spin and kick Count Dooku, sending him over the balcony. Marcus jumps, following him down to the main floor.

The three of us continue to fight against Count Dooku. "I sense great fear in you, Marcus. You have hate, you have anger, but you don't use them." Dooku grins. Marcus regains his composure and attacks Dooku as the Dark Lord continues his spin to meet him head on. Before I can do anything more, I am forced back and everything goes black.

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