Part 20

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As the day goes by, Obi-wan and I decide to send Marcus and Anakin with Padme back to Naboo. While Obi-wan speaks with Dex, I guide Padme, Anakin, and Marcus to her chambers. "Marcus and Anakin will escort you back to Naboo. I advise the three of you to remain undercover as immigrants until we find the assassin." I state looking at the three.

"Thank you, Esther. I'm grateful for the service you all are providing." Padme states. "It's nothing, I'm thankful to have you alive." I reply. "I will show Marcus the route you will be taking back to Naboo." I smile leaving Anakin and Padme alone.

Before long, Obi-wan returns and we lead the three to the refugee station that will take them to Naboo. "Anakin, Marcus. Don't do anything without first consulting either myself, Esther, or the Council." Obi-wan warns. "Yes Master." Both boys reply.

Turning to Padme we watch as she wishes a farewell to her security. We stand together to watch Anakin and Padme disappear into the vastness of the spaceport with R2 trundling along behind them.

"I hope he doesn't try anything foolish." I sigh watching the three. "I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him." Captain Typho states. The freighter slowly takes off from the huge docks area of Coruscant. It soon moves into the crowded skies and disappears from view.

Obi-wan and I head to the Jedi Temple Archives to find where Kamino sits. face. On the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch into infinity. Farther along the room in the background, younglings are seated at tables, studying archive material to report back to their masters.

After OBi-wan studies the bust of a statue for a few moments, Madame Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Archivist, moves to stand next to him. She is an elderly, frail-looking human Jedi. Tough as old boots and smart as a whip. She has never failed to help us find a planet or information.

"Did you call for assistance?" She asks happy to "Yes... yes, I did..." Obi-wan replies as if in a trance. "He has a powerful face, doesn't he? He was one
of the most brilliant Jedi I have had the privilege of
knowing." She states proudly of the statue before us. "I never understood why he quit. Only twenty Jedi
have ever left the Order." I state leaning against a table.

"The Lost Twenty... Count Dooku was the most recent and the most painful. No one likes to talk
about it. His leaving was a great loss to the Order." Jocasta sighs sadly. "What happened?" Obi-wan asks curiously. "Well, Count Dooku was always a bit out of step with the decisions of the Council... much like your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn." Jocasta answers. "Really?" Obi-wan asks surprised. "Oh, yes. They were alike in many ways. Very individual thinkers... idealists..." Jocasta says gazing at the statue. "He was always striving to become a more powerful Jedi. He wanted to be the best. With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. His knowledge
of the Force was... unique. In the end, I think he left
because he lost faith in the Republic. He believed that politics were corrupt, and he felt the Jedi betrayed themselves by serving the politicians. He always had very high expectations of government. He disappeared for nine or ten years, then just showed up recently as the head of the separatist movement." Jocasta adds.

"It's very interesting. I'm not sure I completely
understand." I state attempting to get more information. "Well, I'm sure you didn't call me over here for a history lesson. Are you having a problem, Masters?" She asks shooting down my attempt. "Yes, I'm trying to find a planet system called
Kamino. It doesn't seem to show up on any of the archive charts." Obi-wan informs. "Kamino? It's not a system I'm familiar with... Let me see..." she sighs leaning over my shoulder to look at the screen. "Are you sure you have the right coordinates?" She asks.

"According to my information, it should be in this quadrant somewhere... just south of the Rishi Maze." Obi-wan sighs. "No coordinates? It sounds like the sort of directions you'd get from a street tout... some old miner or Furbog trader."she grumbles. "All three, actually." I mumble. "Are you sure it exists?" Jocasta asks unsure. "Absolutely." I state.

"Let me do a gravitational scan... There are some inconsistencies here. Maybe the planet you're seeking was destroyed." Jocasta suggests. "Wouldn't that be on record?" I ask looking to the older Jedi. "It ought to be, unless it was very recent. I hate to say it, but it looks like the system you're searching for doesn't exist." She states shaking her head. "That's impossible... perhaps the archives are
incomplete." Obi-wan offers. "The archives are comprehensive and totally secure, my young Jedi. One thing you may be absolutely sure of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!" Jocasta snaps.

Obi-wan and I stare at her, then looks back to the map. Jocasta notices a young boy approach. She turns away from the two of us and follows the young boy. "Perhaps maybe we should consult Master Yoda. Maybe the younglings could have some ideas." I sigh.

Obi-wan and I walk through the main hallway to the training are. We step out onto the veranda and stop, watching several four-year-olds doing training exercises, supervised by Master Yoda. They wear helmets over their eyes and try to strike little training droids with their miniature
lightsabers. The droids dance in front of them.

"Don't think... feel... be as one with the Force. Help
you, it will." Yoda states before noticing the two of us. "Younglings - enough! A visitor we have. Welcome them." Yoda orders.

The children turn off their lightsabers turning to Obi-wan and I. "Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Esther Callridge. meet the mighty Bear Clan." Yoda says proudly. "Welcome, Master Obi-Wan and Master Esther." The children greet.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Master." I state getting to the point. "What help to you, can I be?" Yoda asks curiously. "I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him. But the system doesn't show up on the archive maps." Obi-wan states.

"Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How
embarrassing... how embarrassing. Liam, the shades. An interesting puzzle. Gather, younglings, around the map reader. Clear your minds and find Obi-Wan's wayward planet, we will." Master Yoda demands.

The reader is a small shaft with a hollow opening at the top. I watch as the children gather around it. Obi-wan takes out the little glass ball and places it into the bowl. The window shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star map hologram into the room. The children laugh while some of
them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars.

I walk up to the display "This is where it ought to be... but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to this spot. There should be a star here... but there isn't." I state confused. "Most interesting. Gravity's silhouette remains, but
the star and all its planets have disappeared. How can this be? Now, younglings, in your mind, what is the first thing you see? An answer? A thought? Anyone?" Master Yoda asks.

There is a brief pause. Then Esme puts her hand up as Yoda nods for her to answer. "Master? Because someone erased it from the archive memory." She states. "That's right! Yes! That's what happened! Someone erased it!" The other children chime in. "If the planet blew up, the gravity would go away." One child states.
Obi-wan and I look at the younglings in amazement. "Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. The Padawan is right. Go to the center of the gravity's pull, and find your planet you will." Master Yoda chuckles.

We move away from the children and with a hand movement, Obi-wan causes the star map to disappear. I use the Force to call the glass ball back to his hand as the two walk into an adjoining room. "But Master Yoda who could have erased information from the archives? That's impossible, isn't it?" Obi-wan asks.

"Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is. Only a Jedi could have erased those files. But who and why, harder to answer. Meditate on this, I will. May the Force be with you." Master Yoda sighs.

Walking away from the training area I sigh. "I guess we fly towards it and hope for the best." I suggest. "It's our only option." Obi-wan agrees. With that we head to Kamino.

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