Chapter 4: Finding Help

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Many hours had passed since the Raptor Generals infiltration of the Two Medicine base. Since they were left on the run as criminals of Terrarium, they were forced to hide in a secluded spot where the company wouldn't find them. That place turned out to be a stone cave lying within the northern forest, just miles outside the border of Formation National Park. Inside, the Raptors had used their stolen computer parts to create premature computer stations hanging from the cavern walls. To help sleep, they used stolen, run-down furniture, mainly couches, and mattresses, to help them relax when needed. The raptors themselves were scattered across the cave. Grey and Kai were on separate couches, Buckley was sitting on one of the mattresses, Sinor and Mega were working at the computers, and Dreda was pacing around the cave.

"Excellent. Now that we've completed settling into our temporary hideout, we can finally get down to business. Sinor, Mega, work on getting those computers set up. We need to reestablish our connection with the company." Dreda says this in a stern voice before saying "with the internet, of course," with a sweet, innocent accent.

"Got it, mam, We should have the computers stabilized into working position now. All we gotta do is get reconnected with the local wifi and connect to the Terrarium website" Sinor says while she's typing on the computer.

"Wait, the website? Shouldn't our first objective be connecting with it through the contact listings?" Mega asks, feeling confused.

"No, because it's more productive if we check up on the latest news from the company to catch up on what we missed since being tossed out of the company! For God's sake, Mega, you're the one who's always saying you have a degree in computer research, try to prove it" Sinor says, insulting Mega. Mega looked down in embarrassment from this before continuing to work on the computer.

"Grey! Kai! How are those calls to some of our close agents doing" Any luck with connecting with some of our closest allies?" Dreda asks, turning to Grey and Kai on the couches.

"Alas, not really, mam. Every agent I tried to contact either wasn't willing to pick up or was willing to contact the company officials to have us arrested right off the bat. I swear to God, being the best of the best makes us isolated from our old agent friends by the day" Grey says, hanging up from another failed attempt to contact an agent friend for help.

"Ah, the joys of being the best," Dreda says in awe of her position. "But anyway, Kai! How are you doing?" She says turning to Kai, but she witnesses him acting cute as he talks through the phone.

"Nah, sweetie, you have nothing to worry about. My comrades are fine and we're doing our best to try and clear our innocence in this whole ordeal. But the reason I am calling is I wanted to know if you would be willing to help us out?" Kai said to the caller. As he heard them talk, he would say "Uh-huh" on and off to let them know he heard them. Dreda felt slightly irritated from hearing this. "Okay, thanks anyway, honey. Love you, byyyeee" he says before hanging up.

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