Chapter 7: Big Development

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It had been weeks since the Dinosaur Rebellion started training. But as they trained, so did the Raptor Generals. Through Dreda's guidance, Buckley would improve on her fighting techniques and use her electric feather abilities for more professional use. She would be seen sparring once more with Grey and Kai in the grassy field outside of their cave. Their cave was surrounded by tall oak trees, surrounding their hideout.

Buckley would fight by jumping around, confusing Grey and Kai's attacks. They were mostly swishing their claws at their hands and feet to try and lay a hit. But Buckley's acrobatic fighting technique helped her be flexible enough to avoid the hits. Whenever she tried to land a hit, she would spin around, 360 in the air, and fling as many feathers from her arms as possible. Most of them would either hit the ground or the trees around them.

Their electrical pulses were enough to shock the trees, but they were light enough to prevent them from catching on fire. Although Grey was able to duck in time to avoid being hit, Kai would duck at a very close call. The second he ducked his head, the feather would hit the tree right behind him. To counter her attack, Grey would attempt to jump in the air, maneuver his body into a pounce-like position, and attempt to pin her to the ground. But Buckley had one more trick up her sleeve to avoid this hit.

She would stand up and, just as Grey would hit her, she would jump in the air and cartwheel flip over Grey as he hit the ground. 

To finish him off, while upside down, she would grab Grey's tail, flip back onto her feet, and then flip him with her before letting go of his tail

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To finish him off, while upside down, she would grab Grey's tail, flip back onto her feet, and then flip him with her before letting go of his tail. This would send him flying over to a tree, making him hit his head. Once hitting the tree head first, Grey would slide down, landing on the ground.

"And that's the match!" Dreda called out before approaching Buckley in the middle of the field. "Well done, Buckley. I honestly was a little worried considering Grey and Kai's attack styles, but I gotta admit, you managed to out-skill my best men. Since dealing with the rebels, I haven't seen any other dinosaur beat Grey and Kai in a duel" she says, congratulating Buckley. She would then turn to the boys and yell out "good job, by the way, boys, for giving it all you got on our newest recruit!" Grey and Kai, however, were seen dizzy from the fighting after getting their heads banged from the fight.

"Newest recruit?!" Kai says, sounding dizzy and tired.

"I seriously doubt Hero's gonna approve of this, mam, no offense," Grey says. He felt dizzy too, but he tried to sound as serious as he could when addressing Dreda.

"Bah, you don't know what's coming. With enough persuasion, Hero is definitely gonna approve you for the position of dinosaur agent. I am curious as to where you learned how to fight like that? You know? With the acrobatics and the ballet-like moves," Dreda asks, feeling very impressed by Buckley's fighting style.

"Well when you spend the first few years of mutation in Orgil doing dance jobs and get into pub fights with random males, you tend to learn how to mix the two styles together" Buckley answers. Although the thought of Buckley being publicly active in Orgil gave confused looks to Grey and Kai.

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