Chapter 10: New Recruitment

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The town of Two Medicine was small, but still shined brightly on a warm day. Few people were walking down the street and cars were driving slowly down the street. One of these cars was a silver sedan that was being driven by Commissioner Bryce Brach. He pulled the car into a parking spot alongside the sidewalk on the left side of the road. He stepped out, locked the car, and began walking down the sidewalk.

As he walked, some people would recognize him as the police commissioner from the next town over and casually greet him with smiles, waves, and saying "hi." Bryce replied to a few of them by saying "morning" back to them. When he made sure no one was looking, he would scooch himself into a small alleyway between two buildings. He would then stop at a blank spot in the wall, but by tapping on one brick that had red spray paint on it, the brick would open up a keycard panel with a small keyboard and a card slide. Bryce wasn't surprised by this at all; he had done this before.

He would briefly pull out an ID card from his pocket, slide it down the card slide, and then quickly put it back. Once the light on the panel turned green, the bricks would open up a doorway. Bryce would walk through this passage before the entrance closed again. The doorway led to a short flight of stairs. Bryce walked down the stairs until he entered another door. He knocked a couple of times before another panel on the side of the door blinked green.

A screen popped up with a green squiggly line on it. It would say through an intercom "welcome to Maia's private school division. Voice identification please" in a female voice. Bryce coughed for a second before speaking.

"It's me, Maia, you know what to do," he says through the intercom.

"Voice recognition confirmed," the speaker said before turning itself off. The door in front of Bryce would unlock, allowing him to open the door and enter the room. The room led to another hallway but was much more brightly colored and child friendly compared to the dark hallway outside. The wall was painted baby blue with illustrated papers taped to them. They had colorful scribbles and drawings on them that looked like they were drawn by children. There were also illustrations painted on the walls, including clouds and rainbows.

The hallway was stylized as a children's daycare center but was very small since it had to fit the basement level. Bryce walked down the hallway, passing many open rooms that had different activities in them. One room included arts and crafts while another one had toys and bins for playing. At the end of the hall was an open room, double the size of the other rooms. Though he couldn't see them from his point of view, it was obvious that there were people in the room.

"Okay kids, it seems we have company today," said the same female voice that was on the intercom, except it was coming from the real person. "Now remember, before approaching them, what's the first thing some of you must do?" She asks, speaking in a caring manner.

"Put on your human forms," said multiple voices of young children.

"Exactly" the woman responds happily. Bryce would stand outside the room for a moment and wait for them to come out. He would see multiple colored lights glow and pop off. He also saw multiple shadows of some of the kids shape-shifting from young dinosaurs to humans.

"Okay, now, those who are ready, go get em'" the woman cheers happily. The kids heeded her words before cheering and running out of the room. Some of the children had normal human hair, skin tones, and eye colors while others had inhuman ones, including blue hair, yellow eyes, and different colored skin mismatching their hair colors. The kids would see Bryce and crowd around him. He didn't feel bothered by it since they were at his knees with his height. The kids were happily referring to him as "papa Bryce," giving off the intention that he's met them before.

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