Chapter 23: The King

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The following chapter contains themes of fear, violence, inaccurate depictions, and limb dislocation. Viewers be warned.

"You okay, kiddo?" Peter asked once, noticing Paris kneeling on the ground. She kept herself up using her staff that stabbed into the ground, though her head was low and out of breath. It made sense, considering she just crashed out of an underground Terrarium base and blasted through a large, metal ground door. Blaster, Revit, Owen, Bryce, and Mega also made sure she was okay while Shane looked after Tex, keeping him rested on his lap.

"Yeah, I am well, uncle. Just a bit tired from that impact and after being in this form for so long. Hang on just a second." Paris carefully stood back up, using her staff to keep her balance. Then, she quickly morphed into her human form. She slowed down her breathing and stood up straight. "Okay, now I am well. How is Tex?"

The others turned around to look at Tex. Once hearing his name, Tex briefly opened his eyes to try and address the team. Yet, his injuries prevented him from doing much. He rested once more, with Shane comforting him once more.

"I think he's regaining some of his strength. But with these wounds, he needs help," Shane responded.

"I got some spare bandages and cleaning rags in the van. We can use those to clean him up on the way home" Revit said.

"Uh...hehe, I might need some of those as well," Blaster nervously expressed. He wanted to address the bullet wound on his wing membrane.

"And what about the antidote? Did we get that unharmed?" Bryce asked, slightly worried since he wanted to make sure the key to saving Emily was still intact.

"Relax, Commissioner, I got it safe and sound. All we gotta do is get it home, brew a perfect amount, and we'll be able to feed this to Emily and allow it to work its magic and save her life." Mega pulls out the antidote vial in her hands and waves it around proudly.

"In that case, let's get out of here before any more creeps try to slow us down" Peter announced, ready to go home.

"TOO LATE" Yelled out the voice of Alton. To the rebellion's shock, he and a select few Dinosaur Revolutionaries, including Kireina, Fossil, Edward, and Melanie, climbed through the broken metal hatchet opening and landed outside. They crawled across the metal floor door after climbing the hallways inside. A select handful of revolters approached the rebellion with faces that said they were ready to kill them in one blow. Of course, the rebellion backed away to avoid them. But once they reached the desert ground, they were standing at least ten feet away from each other on the side of the hatchet.

"You archosaurs and your human pets gave it your all down there. Unfortunately for you, this isn't over just yet. We're not letting any of you leave until I get what I need. And that includes the death of that T. rex and the capture of that hybrid" Alton declared as he inched his feet closer to the rebellion. Bryce and Peter moved to the front of the group to defend the younger members.

"Ain't gonna happen bud" Peter declared angrily while raising his hammer.

"If you think you're just going to subdue us after we almost wiped out your batch of terrorists down there, think again" Bryce declared as well while he reached his hand into his coat, ready to pull out his gun whenever needed.

"Pft, you really think I'm gonna back down from either of you old men? Especially ones who abandoned their home company and hid from the world to protect human cubs?" Alton had known Bryce and Peter left Terrarium to protect Emily and Paris. The feeling stung them both, but they didn't show weakness from that comment. "If anything, powerful dinos like yourselves pretty much wasted your lives, now did ya?"

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