Chapter 18: Deep Connections

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The following chapter contains themes of fear, trauma, human x non-human relationships, minor sexual implications, regret, and blood. Viewers be warned.

It wouldn't be long now for Tex, Emily, Revit, and Mega to reach home. They walked through enough forest to reach the boundary line that led to Formation National Park's forest. The group reached the area that led to the cliffside that housed the abandoned water tower. But to get up, they had to walk up a steep hill that was dense with trees and bushes. Revit, who had been used to walking around the woods for his job, had no problem. However, Tex and Mega would begin to feel the sting of the climb.

At her size, the climb was very long for Mega. If she weren't so tired already, she would glide across the treetops to go quicker. Tex, who had already done a lot of fighting, falling, swimming, walking, and carrying Emily, who was still in his arms, was feeling tired the most. Because of this, Tex fell behind Revit and Mega. Emily still rested as the bite wound on her leg still made her tired and dizzy.

They were able to reach the top of the cliff and made it to the cleared field where the water tower was. Unfortunately, by the time Tex made it to the top, he became so exhausted he collapsed to his knees and sank his head. Since this force was strong enough to shake the nearby ground, Revit and Mega felt it and they turned around to see Tex on his knees.

"Tex!" They both cried out before rushing over to him

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"Tex!" They both cried out before rushing over to him.

"Are you alright?" Revit asked. Tex was breathing heavily, feeling out of breath.

"I...I'm okay. I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine" he replied while slowing down his breathing. Revit and Mega looked back at each other briefly before looking back at him.

"Uh...are you sure about that? I mean, compared to fighting a dinosaur twice your size, jumping out a window, swimming with three people in tow, and walking a long distance while carrying one of them, that might be enough to make you exhausted" Mega explained, worried for his well-being.

"How about you and Emily rest by the tower for a bit? Mega and I will head home to alert the team we're alright and maybe get them out here to help you guys get rested?" Revit suggested. Tex looked up when he heard this question. He wanted to keep moving, even though his feet were too tired to do so. But looking down at Emily see how tired she was made him think they had a good point.

"Well...alright. But just for a little bit. I wanna make sure she gets inside as soon as possible. Unless you wanna carry her the rest of the way, Revit? Tex asked.

"I would...but sadly, the spirit is strong, but not the muscles" Revit awkwardly replied while lifting his right arm and feeling his muscle with his other one.

"But you're not too weak to carry me Paleo Boy," Mega said while she climbed up on Revit's back and clung to his shoulders. Once she clung on, she released a loud yawn, showing off how tired she was.

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