Chapter 5: Training Begins

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On a bright sunny day, a public bus would pull up at the bus stop standing next to a road that was surrounded by the forest. After the bus let someone off, it would pull away, leading it to reveal Mega in her human form. She had packed an extra-large hiker backpack filled with the stuff Dreda gave her. She was perfectly ready to track down the Dinosaur Rebellion's hideout and spy on the team. Mega would pull out her tracker from inside her pocket to get started.

"Okay then, getting the right bus and direction to this hideout didn't seem too hard. Now let's see if we can pinpoint where in this forest you guys are." Mega adjusted her scanner to allow the tracker to pinpoint the origin of the dirt sample. In less than five seconds, the screen would pull up a map of the area with a red dot showcasing the dirt sample's original location. It was deep in the woods, but there was a road portrayed on the map to help guide her there.

"Perfect, now let's get cracking!" Mega said happily before she started to walk. Normally, an average-sized person would take at least ten minutes to walk over to Formation National Park from the bus stop. But for someone small like Mega, it was a long walk. To move faster, she would normally morph into her microraptor form and glide through the trees. But she couldn't because she couldn't risk the possibility of humans nearby, plus she still had to carry the extra-large bag on her back.

Eventually, she finally reached the main lounge of the park. A human settlement surprised her at first since she suspected the Dinosaur Rebellion's hideout to be much more sophisticated than this. But she wasn't willing to stop there. The tracker still led her on and made her continue walking. Alas, though, despite the deep length of the trees, she still couldn't morph yet at the risk of the bag.

"Geeze, with all this heavy crap Dreda gave me, you'd think she would have provided me with a transport device? A hoverboard or something?!" She said out loud as she eventually grew tired of walking so many miles at her height. But it eventually paid off as she began to hear the voices of the team. Lifting her head, she would see the team's house. Checking the tracker, the red dot on the map began to glow. The screen eventually popped up a logo saying You have arrived at your sample setting.

"Finally! I made it. Now to find a spot to camp out and observe." Hearing the voices come from behind the house, Mega would quickly dive into the trees and sneak around to the back. 

Finding a tall tree, she would climb up it and look through the bush line

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Finding a tall tree, she would climb up it and look through the bush line. "Hehehe, now there's no way they'll ever find me here. Oh! What's this now?" She asks herself as she looks down at the team.

In the backyard, Caren had the whole team gathered to prepare her lesson on training to fight. After getting advice from Peter, Caren decided it was time she trained the team to fight, hoping to put their individual dinosaur skills to good use. Tex, Shane, Blaster, and Morgan would be standing in a line while Emily, Revit, and Rover watched from the deck. Peter would observe as well, leaning back against a nearby tree.

"Dinos, it has come to my attention that we are not taking this rebellion as seriously as we should." Caren would announce this as she paced in front of the team while holding her hands behind her back. "To start, we need to make ourselves fit, vigilant, and most of Sharp enough to plan, dodge attacks, and make ourselves strong enough to stand up against the most brute of dinosaurs. In other words, we're gonna learn how to fight. First of all, answer me this, what is one thing we can't trust?"

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