twenty four : one step forward, two steps back.

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"When.. will i get discharged?"
I asked the nurse who was dong my check ups, looking at the door where Shiyeon just left. she gave me a small smile of assurance before writing something on her pad. I want to get out soon. That old man will probably know i got into accident and will soon come here to nag at me again. I don't want that to happen.

"You'll get discharged soon, once you recovered enough already."
She vaugely answered, making me just sigh. I'm probably okay now. I mean, my body still kinda hurts but I can manage. these are just shallow wounds. 

"Okay, If you say so.. Ms-"
I gradually stopped after hearing loud noises from outside. The familiar voice resonated on my ear and it just makes me want to stand up from this hospital bed and punch him in the face.

"Just how much problems will you cause him? Now you also wants to kill him? huh, Ms. Lee? You're so fvcking shameless."
that was the voice of a rotten old man i know. 

I would have stood up if only the nurse didn't force me to lay down on the bed again.

"You can't stand up from your bed yet, sir. It is an order from the doctor."
She commanded, looking at me with worry. I looked at the door where the noise is coming from and then shot up to her again.

"Tell the doctor I'm doing well now."
I told her, standing up from the bed and opening the door.

"You damn old geezer-"
I glared at the old man, holding my fist high and swinging it to his face. 

"Youngmaster Park-!!!!"
he didn't even flinched when my fist almost hit his face. he just eyed me, Secretary Kwon catching my fist with his hands before it even reach him. we kept eye contact until he decided to break it, looking at Shiyeon who suddenly ran away to the elevator. after she disappeared, he went straight to my hospital room and asked Mr. Kwon to let me go.

"Let him go. He won't have enough energy to throw another fist again on his state so don't worry." He commnaded Mr. Kwon who hesitantly let my hand go and told the nurse to leavethe room. I sighed deeply, closing my eyes to calm myself before deciding to chase after Shiyeon.

"Where do you think you are going?"
my father asked me, walking towards the flower vase that has yellow daffodils on it, checking the petals.

"What do you thnk you are doing here?"
I tried walking out but Mr. Kwon held my arm and shook his head, telling me i shouldn't get out. 

"Let go of me, ahjussi."

"I'm sorry, Youngmaster Park."
he declined my command, showing me that my father's command is still stronger than mine. 

"I am here as a dad trying to check up on his son. Is that wrong?"
he told me, i don't know if he's being sarcastic or what.

I sardonically laughed at him and rolled my eyes. 

"Since when did you learnt how to care like a good father? You deserve a daesang for your acting."
I ironically said, making him look at me blankly with a sigh before walking towards me after breaking all of the daffodils off its stem.

"I was really worried, when I knew that my son acted like a hero and saved a peasant from dying..." he made a face as if he's really worried before it turned grim, an evil smile suddenly painting his face. "But i thought... we can use this to promote SP group... we'll just be needing a small number of reporters to tell the story..."

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