Chapter 42

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THE SILENCE IN the kitchen was unbearable as the crew sat around the kitchen table and eyed one another as if somehow a plan to get out of this without being killed would magically present itself to them.

"We can't ambush them," Victor stated aloud as he put a hand through his long shiny dreads.

"They most likely want us to. Hell, I bet they're expecting us to," Dennis replied with a shake to his head.

"We just need a way to get Senorita Mills back and then we can kick some ass," Chico said as he slammed his hand on the table. "But I got nothing man."

"All we need is a plan. I can get us in the warehouse easy but then what? We go in shooting every damn body in there?" Carter questioned. "I was never the thinker in the group so I'm out. I ain't got nothing either." He turned to Sierra. "How about you baby?"

Sierra shook her head. "Nothing that will work in our favor at the end."

"Can I see the paper again?" Carter asked and swiped it out of Drake's fist who sent him a death glare but stayed silent.

'Mills if you're reading this, we have your pretty mama.

It wasn't easy though. Had to knock the bitch out after she

got a little feisty. You have forty-eight hours to be at the warehouse

out on the port if you ever want to see her alive again.

Bring back what's ours and you get to walk away with no strings.


Tossing the paper in the middle of the round table, Carter eyed Jason from where he sat in between Drake and Machayla and lowered his eyes down to where the piece of paper laid. "We can always tra-"

"No," Jason quickly stated without blinking a green eye.

"But how else do you think we-"

"What part of fucking no did you not understand? We are not about to trade my mother and my girl like they're a drug deal. We need another way," he bit out quickly.

Silence fell upon the room once again as everyone struggled to come up with some idea of how they were going to get the beloved Mrs. Mills back.

Then, "I agree with Carter."

Everyone's attention switched over to Machayla. With her shapely eyebrows drawn together, she licked her full lips and took a shaky breath. "I think we should do the tradeoff."

"We're not doing a trade off," Jason stated calmly.

"Well unless you have a better idea then that's our only option," she regarded him with troubled eyes. "Anyways, it's because of me that they even have her involved in this. All we have to do is give them what they want and they'll leave us alone."

Victor scoffed. "You could've gotten away with that answer if they hadn't fucking murdered Brandon and then kidnapped your boyfriends mom. Mason drew first blood and sealed his faith with us so I'm sorry babes but this" Victor expanded both of his arms in order to encompassed everybody and everything, "this is no longer about you. This is straight up revenge and for once I agree with Drake, if it was up to me we would've been in there with guns a blazing."

"There's nothing better I would like than putting a hole through one of those asshole's dark hearts without any thought. Damn shame that we can't," Tabitha muttered coldly with a shake to her head that sent her high auburn ponytail flying and the fine hairs on everyone's neck to rise.

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