Chapter 34

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                Machayla wanted to cry. She wanted to cry so bad but for whatever reason her tear ducks chose that moment to dry up. She should be grateful for not being able to cry in front of these people who obviously saw her as nothing but an inconvenient victim but damn it she wanted to cry.

“I’m so sorry sweetie.”

She looked over her shoulders to find Sierra staring down at her with sympathy in her eyes. Sympathy that she didn’t want nor needed. “I need some air.” She rose from her seat and navigated her way through the maze of a house till she found the front door they’d came through.

Stepping into the now early afternoon sun, she squint her eyes and took a deep breath. Alas the fresh air didn’t do her any good. In fact, the only thing it achieved was cause a burning rage in pit of her stomach for her father.

The bastard!

He’d lie to her her whole life. Every time he’d put on a suit in the morning or came home in the ass crack of dawn, she’d thought that he was working hard… at his office!

How the hell did a stock broker become a fucking drug lord?! One that was slick enough to never get caught by the DEA or anyone else for that matter. Too bad anyone didn’t include Aiden. How did her sweet, dependable and caring father end up working against the law? Did he kill anybody? Tortured someone until they spilled their guts? And what about her mother, did she know about this when she married him or did he become this person after her death?

She felt lost, confused and hurt. But most of all, she felt betrayed by her own father. Walking down the long drive way, she stopped in front of Jason’s Lexus and leaned against it, her arms cradling her head in her hands.

“Want a punching bag?”

It was Jason. Of course it would be him to check up on her. He’d shown how much he really cared since she met him. Bringing her head up to look at him, she gave him a wry smile, “are you offering to be one?”

Shrugging, he smiled. “Maybe. If it’ll help get that tortured look off your face.” Walking closer to where she stood, he looked into her eyes, “How are you?”

“I’m pissed.”

“Understandable. What else?”

“What else? What do you mean what else?”

“You’re pissed but there’s more to it. Let me in Kayla. Tell me what else.”

“You never stop being pushy, do you?” She questioned.

“Nah, not when it comes to you.” When she didn’t say anything else to him, he stepped into her personal space and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Machayla’s body melted into him and she buried her face in the crook of his neck. “It hurts so much,” she confessed. “How could he do this to me Jason? How could he betray me like this?” The tears that she wanted out so badly eventually found their way out of her eyes and flowed down her mahogany skin.

“It’ll get better baby. We’ll fix this.” He rubbed her back soothingly and kissed the side of her neck. A shiver ran down her spine.

She ignored the tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach when Jason called her the pet name. “How? These people want us dead Jason.”

“Too bad for them, it’s not going to happen.” He lifted her head up and touched his lips to her forehead. “I won’t let it.”

She sighed and stepped out of his embrace. “It’s a good thing I found out about this after he died because I would’ve killed myself!” The rage she’d felt earlier rose back up to the surface.

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