Chapter 1 : The Vanishing of Will and Sofia Byers

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"Steve! Steve stop! I'm serious! I have to wait for Will to get home!" I said while laughing and hugging my boyfriend, Steve the hair Harrington. 

"Come on! Will's a big boy! He can open the door and tuck himself in tonight!" He said while leaving a light peck on my lips once more. 

"Steve, Will's my responsibility. I have to take care of him and you know that. I'll see you tomorrow. Promise." I said with a soft smile while giving Steve a soft kiss before getting out of his car. 

"Fine! Tell Will I said hi and that he owes me some alone time with my girlfriend!" Steve yelled as I walked away from the car. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah blah blah Harrington. Go take a shower or something!" I yelled back. 

He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. I blew him one final kiss before unlocking the door and going inside my house.  

I walked to the dining room and found some of the dishes from this morning at breakfast still at the table. I looked towards the clock and saw that it was only 7:30 and Jonathan didn't get out of work for another hour and mom didn't get out until midnight. I did wonder where Will was because it was getting a little late, but I'm not that worried because he was with Mike which meant Nancy which meant there was literally no danger. I still wanted to call and ask if he was still there or if he had left already. 





"Hi! Mrs. Wheeler! It's Sofie, umm, I just wanted to ask if Will was still there?" 

"Yeah he's down in the basement with the rest of the boys!" 

"Oh okay thank you! Would you be able to call and tell me when he's on his way here?" 

"Yeah of course honey!" 

"Thank you Mrs. Wheeler!" I said finally before ending the call. 

I started cleaning around the house so that the house wasn't a mess when mom came home. I was on my own a lot. I wasn't allowed to have a job yet, but I wasn't really allowed to go out either. So I spent most of my time at home by myself or with Steve occasionally. 

I had finished cleaning the house by like 8:15 and I had gone outside to take the trash out. While I was out there I had this feeling that I was being watched. I walked around to the back of the house and looked out to the woods and saw nothing. I shrugged it off, but I jumped at the sound of the front door opening and shutting closed really hard. 

"Will?" I questioned as I walked around to the front of the house. The front door was left wide open. 

"Will, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave the front door open like that!" I yelled into the house, but when I walked in no one was there. 

"Will? Will?!" 


"Will! Where are you?!" 

"Sofie! Come quick!" He yelled from what sounded like outside. He sounded scared. 

"Will! Where are you!" I yelled growing very anxious. 

I ran outside and saw the light to the shed on and the door was slightly open. 

"Will!" I yelled as I ran towards the open door. 

I pulled it back and saw a horrifying creature. The light to the shed started growing brighter and brighter. 


"Will!" But before I could run to him and he could run to me the light burst into a surge of energy and Will and the monster were gone. 

"Will! Will! Will! Where are you?!" I yelled out to nothing now. 

I started crying and screaming for Will when I heard a car pulling into the driveway. I ran out of the shed and to the driveway assuming it was Jonathan only to be met with a "Hawkins Power and Light" van. 

"What the hell? Who are you?!" I yelled out to the van. 

I watched as several men got out of the van and started walking towards me. 

"You're on private property! I suggest you leave before I call the cops!" I yelled but they kept advancing towards me. 

"Don't worry pretty! We're not gonna hurt you if we don't have a reason to!" One of the men said while walking closer to me. 

I tried to make a run for it but they all ganged up on me and before I knew it I was knocked out cold. With no clue who these people were nor where Will was. All I felt and saw was darkness. I was afraid. Afraid for Will, my mom, and Jonathan. I didn't know what they planned to do with me or if I was ever gonna see my family again. All I could do was wait. 

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