Chapter 21 : The Other Side

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"Wait wait wait. He was here for the money?" 

"That's what I said. And get this. His excuse was 'For the kids to go to school'. He's a real piece of work." 

"I just hope we never have to see him again." 


We had been walking through the woods for a little while. Nancy was sort of quiet while I was talking to Jonathan. I felt bad, but there was also something I really wanted to ask her. I let Jonathan walk in front of us a little bit and I stayed behind so that I could talk to Nancy. 

"So, Nance. How are you?" 

"I could be better, but you guys are the ones who have had it rough." 

"I guess you could say that." I laughed. 

"Jonathan, he mentioned something about you not really going to see your dad last week. Was that true?" 

"Yeah. I haven't really told anyone the truth besides Hopper and my mom and Jonathan. I just can't risk that they'll find me again." 


"The bad men. I don't really know how to explain it Nance. It was like a hospital or a lab. It was scary." 

"Did they hurt you? Did they do something to you?" 

I thought about it for a second. Could I truly trust Nancy with this? Nancy and I used to be great friends. Mostly because Mike and Will are best friends, but Nancy and I have been friends even before that. We used to be glued to each other. Everyone used to say, 'Wherever Sofia Byers is Nancy Wheeler is there too.' 

"I'm okay now Nancy. I just-I think about what happened to us. We used to be so close." 

"I know. I also wonder what happened to us." 

"But whatever has happened between us doesn't change the fact that I know deep down I can trust you with this. But you have to promise me that you won't freak out and that you won't tell anyone unless I tell you otherwise."

"Sofie, you're scaring me. Is it really that bad?" 

"I don't think it's that bad, but it's a little weird."

"How weird?" 

"Dungeons and Dragons weird." 

"Are you kidding? What, do you have like powers or something?" She joked.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at her, waiting for her to connect the dots. 

I watched the realization wash over her face. 

"Sofia Byers you better be joking!" 

"Nancy, why would I joke about something like this?!" 

"Fine then show me."


"Show me. I won't believe you until you show me."

I looked around and tried to find something I could use to show her. 

I saw a large tree branch lying on the ground. I focused on that. I made sure my breathing was controlled and then slowly it lifted off the ground and it hovered there. 

"What are you staring at?"

"Turn around you idiot!" I snapped. I hadn't used my powers in a few days and the force of picking up the branch was really tiring. 

"Oh my god! Sofie the branch is in the air!" 

"I know!" I couldn't hold it any longer and I let it drop. 

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