Chapter 15 : Not dead?

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Mom had fallen asleep on the couch across from the wall she had been staring at. Only this time she had an axe. Ready to attack whatever dared to come through. 

I was watching her sleep from the armchair on the other side of the room. I hadn't had a moment to myself in a long time. I looked around the house and then just started to cry. I didn't want to believe that Will was gone, when there was this strong feeling in my chest that he was alive. 

There was a picture of Will, Jonathan, Mom and I on Will's birthday last year. We looked so happy. We would never feel or be that way again. I felt like an empty void. My brother was dead, my mom was losing her shit, my dad was the biggest asshole on the planet, and my other brother was shutting down on me. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw one of the Christmas lights turn on down the hall. I watched it. It was so bright. I looked down to the outlet and the lights weren't even plugged in. I stood up and walked over to it. 

"Will?" I whispered. 

The light turned off. 

"I'm being stupid." 

I turned around and another light was on. Then another and another. They were leading to Will's room. I pushed open the door to his room. I walked in and closed the door. I walked over to his bed and sat down. 

"Will, are you alive?" 

I waited. There was nothing. 

"Will, if you're alive give me a sign. Let me know that you're alive. Let me know and I will keep looking for you. I won't stop until I find you." 

I waited again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I heard a light switch on. I opened my eyes and saw the lamps. The lamps scattered around his bed were on. The light started circling around switching from one lamp to another. 

"You're still alive!" I said while turning my head around to see all the lights. 

I was right he was still alive. 

The lights stopped. I tilted my head confused. I looked forward and my eyes went wide. 

"Holy shit!" 

There was a hand pushing out of the wall. 

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" 

I stood up quickly and made my way to the door. I had to walk directly next to the wall. It was a small hand. Almost the same size as...


Without thinking I went over to the wall. I reached out to touch the hand. Before I could even touch it, it was gone. 

"No. No no no." 

He was gone all over again. 

"What are you doing in here?" Jonthan said, looking at me confused from the door. 

"There was it was, it was nothing." 

I couldn't tell him what I saw. He's already been through enough. He also wouldn't believe me either way. 

"Well, we have to wake up Mom." 


 "We have to go to the morgue. We have to identify the body or whatever." 

"Alright." I walked past him and went back out to the living room.  

"Sofie, go change your clothes and I'll wake her up." 


I went and changed my clothes like he told me to. By the time I came out Jonathan had already woken her up and they were going towards the door. I followed them and when we were outside, I saw Hopper's car. He didn't leave. 

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