Chapter 12 : The Reunion

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It was raining and windy outside while we waited for someone to open Lonnie's door. We were out there for ages. At first Jonathan was lightly knocking and obviously no one was ever going to hear him with the shitty music blasting inside. 

"Oh, Jonathan man up!" I said as I started banging on the door. 

I banged for a few minutes before I finally saw someone walking towards the door. It was a girl that looked like Carol from school but cracked out and with hella wrinkles. She looked really annoyed. She pulled open the door and the music blasting inside smacked us in the face. 

"Whatever you want we're not buying it." She said with and attitude, while trying to close the door. 

I pushed it back open and said, "Is Lonnie around?" 

"Yeah, he's out back. What do you want?" 

"To look around." Jonathan said before pushing her out of the way and making his way inside. 

I was following close behind. I could hear the lady protesting us inside her house, but it doesn't matter. We don't care. We were here to find Will. Not to make friends. 

"Hey! Hey! You can't do this! You can't be in here!" She was yelling from behind us. 

We were poking our heads in and out of several rooms in the house.  I felt a cold wrinkly hand wrap around my arm and turn me around. 

"You can't do this!" She yelled in my face. 

"Do not put your hands on me!" I yelled as I pushed her off of me. 

I watched her stumble back and then turned to look at Jonathan. The star of the show had him pinned against the wall. 

"Get off of him!" I yelled as I pushed Lonnie off of Jonathan. 

"Damn., you've gotten stronger." He said with a bit of a laugh. 

He tried to pull us in for a hug. Jonathan pushed him away. 

"Get off of us man." Jonathan said while pushing him away. 

"Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on here!" The lady from before yelled over all the commotion. 

I had completely forgotten about her. 

"Cynthia, this is Jonathan and Sofia. My two oldest. Jonathan and Sofia, this is Cynthia." 

"I don't care who she is. We don't care who she is." I said bluntly. 

"Sofia, don't be disrespectful like that."

"You are in no position to tell her what she should and shouldn't be. Grow up." Jonathan said.

I saw a door that led outside. It looked like a backyard. I started for the door. 

"Cynthia, stay inside. I'm gonna show them around." Lonnie said, while following me outside. 

We had made it outside and we were looking around. There was a black car in the middle of the empty backyard. It was really loud outside. Apparently from the front of the house you couldn't see the whole ass junkyard behind the house. Jonathan and Lonnie were standing by the car. I walked over to them.

"Oh, you like it? You should've seen it when I first bought it." Lonnie explained, while Jonathan rounded the car and opened up the trunk. 

"Really? You wanna check up my ass too?" Lonnie asked annoyed.

"If it's an option, yes." I responded, clearly annoyed also. 

"Don't talk to me like that!" 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Why are you here? Last I heard you were missing too. Is your brother even missing? He never was very good at taking care of himself." 

"This isn't some joke, okay? There are search parties, reporters." Jonathan said, getting frustrated. 

"Hopper isn't still chief, is he?" 

We both looked at him saying nothing.

"You need to tell your mother to get you out of there. Come out here to the city. People are more real here. And then I could see you guys more." 

Me and Jonathan looked at each other and started snickering while moving our heads. 

"What? You think I don't want to see you guys?" 

"We know you don't! We're not stupid." I exclaimed. 

"See that's your mother talking right there. Does she even know you're here?"

We didn't respond and he got his answer. 

"Great. One kid goes missing and the other two run wild. That's some good parenting." He scoffed. 

"Oh, and you're such a great dad! That is an absolute load of bullshit." I said to Lonnie, annoyed. 

"I don't know what I did to you for you to treat me this way, Sofia." 

"You are so full of shit." 

He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. Jonathan launched towards him, but I pulled him back. 

"Jonathan stop! He's not worth it!" I said to try and calm him downs. 

I reached down into Jonathan's bag and pulled out one of Wills missing posters. I walked up to Lonnie and slammed it against his chest. 

"In case you forgot what he looks like." I said, under my breath. 

I started walking back towards the house and inside. I didn't know if Jonathan was following behind me, but even if he wasn't I would wait by the car. While trying to get through to the front door 'Cynthia' stood in front of me. Blocking the way to the door. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, already at my breaking point.

"You need to learn to respect your elders." She said in her annoying high-pitched voice. 

"You need to learn to mind your own goddamn business. Now get the hell out of my way." I finished, pushing past her. 

We should've never come here. I don't ever want to come back here ever again. Not unless Satan himself drags me back here, will I ever come see him again. I hate him with everything in me. I hate Lonnie Byers. 

I just needed to focus on finding Will. Nothing else mattered. 

Steve's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora