Chapter 22 : Truth

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"Do you guys think I'm gonna lose my leg?" I joked, while very much being in pain.

"Shut up, Sofie!" They both snapped at me.

"Jeez, it was a joke."

Jonathan was driving around in circles because we didn't know what to do. I couldn't walk into the house with a bleeding leg and all dirty and sticky. Nancy also can't go home all dirty and sticky without her parents or Mike asking questions.

"What are we going to do?" Jonathan asked for the thousandth time.

"What if, you drive me home and then I'll just tell Mom some bullshit. Then you can help Nancy sneak into her house. That could work."

"Yeah, it could, except you can't walk genius!"

"I'll suck it up! I can do it. I think I just need to tie something around it to stop the bleeding and I should be fine."

"What are we gonna tie it with?"

I looked around the car to try and find some cloth that I could rip and wrap around my bleeding leg. My eyes zeroed in on Nancy's flannel that she was wearing under her sweater.

"Nance, can I have a piece of your flannel?"

She turned to look at me and hesitated before nodding her head. I watched as she unbuttoned it and handed it to me. I ripped the sleeve and tied it tightly onto my bleeding wound. Nancy winced when she looked at her now ripped flannel.

"I'll get you a new one." I reassured.

"It's okay. I wanted to get rid of it anyways."

I was silent on the rest of the ride home. Jonathan and Nancy were talking to each other, and I was lost in thought.

What bullshit lie am I going to tell Mom when she sees me?

"We're here." Jonathan announced as he pulled into our driveway.

"Can you help me get to the door?" I asked him.


He climbed out of the car and came around the car and opened my door. He helped me out of the car, and I hopped, with his assistance, to the door.

When we got to the door, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"That was so scary Sofie. You almost died on me again." He whispered in my ear.

"It's okay now. I didn't die. I'm still here." I smiled softly when he pulled away.

He squeezed my hand and then made his way back towards his car. I watched him pull out of the driveway and drive away.

I took a deep breath and then opened the door. It was surprisingly quiet. I walked slowly and held onto things as I walked past them to ensure I wouldn't fall over.

I saw the light on in the dining room and passed quickly.

"Sofie?" I heard Mom call out.

Think fast Sofie! "Sorry Mom! I'll come out in a second! I have to go to the bathroom!" I shouted back as I walked as quickly as I could to my room.

As soon as I shut the door, I gathered my clothes to take a shower. I was most definitely going to burn the clothes I was wearing.

I quickly crossed the hall and into the bathroom. I pulled out the first aid kit and sat down on the toilet seat. I leaned down and unwrapped my leg. The bleeding had mostly stopped, but the pain was still there. I stopped the little bit of bleeding left, then cleaned and disinfected. I finally show the source and it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The wounds weren't very deep they were just annoyingly bloody.

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